
Insatiable -- A Christian's Perspective

Netflix recently released a trailer for their new tv show called Insatiable. The show is about a teenage girl who gets bullied because she is not as skinny as her classmates. Over the summer break she gets her jaw wired shut, so when she comes back to school she is the new “hot girl.” Wanting her classmates to feel as badly as she did when they bullied her, she goes out for revenge. This show has caused a lot of controversy with many people saying it’s harmful. And since the show’s target audience is teenagers, I thought I’d share how we as Christians can deal with these issues.

The whole premise of the show is that the main character, Patty, has no worth until she becomes skinny. First and foremost, we are God’s creation. He put you in the body that you are in for a reason, and He does not create ugliness. It is totally fine to want to eat healthier or exercise more, but skinny does not equal healthy. Healthy looks different for each person because there are so many different body types. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on his height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart’.”

Society has made everything about how our bodies. If you don’t look a certain way then you should feel ashamed of yourself. And that is absolutely ridiculous. God cares so much about your soul. He cares about how you are living and if you are striving to follow Him. Everything else fades away. Therefore, you should be most concerned with living for God not for fitting into society.

Patty has her jaw wired shut in the show. This gives the idea that starving yourself is okay as long as you lose weight. Coming from personal experience, it does not work. You will lose weight, but you will become obsessed with what you eat or what you don’t. It is not healthy. God says our bodies are a temple. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  Your body, that God gave you, needs food. Choose healthy options, but do not deprive your body. Also, stop and think about what this verse says. You were bought with a price. Jesus paid the price by dying on the cross, which is extremely painful. So the next time you are thinking terrible thoughts about your body, remember that Jesus loves you so much that He suffered up on the cross for you.           

When Patty is finally accepted by the cool kids, (which is a whole other issue) she decides to get revenge. Revenge is a noun or adjective which means to inflict pain or retaliation for real or perceived wrong doings. Revenge is personal and based on what someone did to you. God does not ever say he will get revenge on anyone. He uses the word avenge or vengeance. Avenge is a verb and it means to inflict punishment as an act of retributive justice. God will avenge and vengeance (which is the noun version of avenge), because He is just and he is the only one who can serve justice. “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” (Romans 12:19). We are humans, we’re not better than anyone else. Revenge is not an option. Forgiveness is. When people wrong us, revenge will only keep our pain fresh in our mind. When we forgive and start to let God help us move on, we honor Him, and stay off the path of bitterness.    

Insatiable is not a good show, but it is a good conversation starter between Christians. I hope we as teenagers can continue sharing our identity in Christ with people who aren’t children of God. As you go through life this week, remember you are beautifully and wonderfully made, your body is a temple, and revenge is never an option.


New School Year

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It’s a New Year

What do you mean summer is over?  It can’t be!  Is this some kind of joke?  We just got out of school.  I haven’t ….  But, I wanted to…  Each year at this time, teachers and students report back to school.  They say goodbye to summertime adventures and begin a new adventure, a learning adventure.  Back-to-school time is a time filled with so many mixed emotions. 

Most parents are relieved to get the kids back in school.  Their grocery bill may not be nearly as high as it has been; however, there’s that endless list of supplies that teachers want students to bring.  Seriously, why does a teacher need each student to bring items like 8 glue sticks, 3 or 4 boxes of Kleenex, a box of Band-Aids, bottles of hand soap, ear buds, a stylus, or a package of sheet protectors.  Oh, and yes, there is a reason why teachers ask for Ticonderoga pencils.  These pencils last longer because of the type of wood they are made from. 

Parents, as a former teacher, I would like to make some recommendations.  First, before buying supplies, shop comparatively.  There are some really good bargains out there if you’re willing to look.  Second, if you can’t find something on your child’s list, don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Third, if you are having financial problems that may limit what supplies you can buy, let your child’s teacher or school know.  No student should have to go without the necessary supplies.

For the teacher, back to school means countless hours of preparation before anyone ever steps into the room.  The room has to be organized and set up for the students to be able to come into the learning environment.  Rooms usually are decorated in various themes.  Books and supplies have to be labeled with students’ names.  First day activities have to be planned so students are fully engaged throughout the entire day.  Some teachers create introductory power points that help with the flow of the day.   Sometimes, teachers wonder how they will ever get it all done.   Ephesians 5:15 – 16a reminds us that we need to be careful how we use our time.  Teachers, be wise and make the best use of your time.

Not all students have the same feelings about starting back to school. Heading back after summer break can be a time of excitement, anxiety and even a bit of sadness for students of all ages. The new school year is full of many unknowns and that can feel a little scary at first.  In addition, saying goodbye to a summer of relaxation and fun isn’t exactly something most kids look forward to doing.  As Winnie the Pooh says, “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”*  Students, your new adventure awaits you!  Get ready for some learning to take place!

Parents and teachers can help make students back-to-school experiences positive.  Parents, encourage your children to do well.   Write encouraging notes and stick them in a lunch box or a binder.   Let them know that you believe in them.  Pray for them daily as they head off to school, during the day, and as they return home.

Teachers, create a safe and positive classroom environment.  Greet your students at the door with a smile showing them that you’re excited and happy to have them in your class.   Have some getting acquainted activities for them to get to know you and other classmates.  Always remember to pray for your students each and every day.

Parents, teachers, and students as you return to school, remember that “knowledge is like a lamp, and every new thing you learn makes the light brighter.” ** 

Always, always, always, remember that YOU are not alone in this adventure.  God is right there beside you.  Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you WHEREVER you go.”  He will give you the strength and guidance to persevere through the new year. 

* and ** https://www.wishesquotes.com/special-days-of-the-year/40-positive-back-to-school-messages

It's That Time of Year -- Back To School

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Back to School

Well, it’s that time of year again!  Stores are packed with parents scurrying around to get the best deals on schools supplies and clothes for the new school year.  Families are squeezing in a last minute vacation before the kids head back to school.  Teachers are busy preparing their classrooms trying to get everything ready for a new group of students.  The big yellow limousines are getting inspected and prepped for picking up their precious cargo.  School custodians are hustling to get the school buildings looking their best.  It won’t be long now.

The first day is always full of excitement. Students are greeted at the front doors by various staff members.  Students race to find their old friends, so they can share their summertime adventures.  The office is full of parents enrolling students or students who forgot something at home or on the bus.  Students’ backpacks are completely loaded down with classroom supplies that have to be turned in.  Most students are zipping around the school trying to find their new classes.  Then, there are those sweet elementary students who are new or scared, who need that extra attention.  Suddenly, the sound of bells ringing can be heard.  It must be time to get the day started.

Back-to-school is a period of new beginnings.  It’s time to fill students’ hearts with excitement and faith as they get ready to face the new school year.  New beginnings may include attending a new school, meeting new teachers and making new friends.  The new year also brings with it the opportunity to get closer to God.  Goals can be set for both personal and spiritual growth.  Both teachers and students can see God at work in their lives in ways they’ve never seen or experienced before.

As I was looking for sample back-to-school prayers I came across this sweet prayer on Pinterest.  It seems so simple; yet it is so powerful.  Don’t just pray for the big things in their lives; remember the little things also.                    

Please keep our teachers and students in your prayers as they head back to their classrooms.

Pray for

  •   the new friendships that will be made.   
  •   nerves to be calmed as students and teachers settle into the new schedules and classes.
  •   teachers as they seek to learn about their new students and how to encourage their learning.
  •   teachers as they establish rules and routines for the new year.
  •   school administrators as they kick off the new year.
  •   students and teachers who are new to their schools that they may feel welcomed.

Remember that knowledge is like a lamp, and every new thing you learn makes the light brighter.*   Sooo … be ready to shine your light before others so that they can see Jesus in you when you head back to school.


Arrows Are Meant to Be Shot

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One minute I’m married and in my career saying, “Who said I could become an adult? Why am I adulting?”

The next minute I’m holding a baby saying, “Whoa! Who decided I was equipped to be a parent?” Keep in mind, my babies are through adoption, so there was literally a person who said we could have a kid – BOTH TIMES. There were days I was wondering -- What in the world were they thinking when they handed me this kid!?

Next my daughter is driving a car becoming more independent, and this time next year she will be going off to college. My girlfriends will have to remind me of this blog, hand me a hanky, and wait for me to stop doing the ugly, snot-nosed cry when that time arrives.

For all my momma friends who struggle letting go or pushing their baby birds out of the nest. You can do this. You have prepared them for this. You have been a fierce advocate for them. You have been a fierce protector making sure they were healthy, learned good habits, loved Jesus, and many other things. Now it’s time for the release.

Psalm 127:4, Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.

Katniss Everdeen, a character in the movie series Hunger Games, shot a Hoyt Buffalo Bow. Personally, I’d call it a long bow. I learned on a compound bow. BC (Before children), my husband taught me to shoot a compound bow. I had a stabilizer, arrows, bubble level, bow release wrist strap, quiver, and a brace for my left elbow because inevitably my elbow would turn in and would get popped. I pulled back 40 pounds of resistance in order to draw back the bow.

So you understand, the whole picture let’s go over the parts.

  • Stabilizer absorbs vibrations when the bow is shot. It helps to reduce the shock to your hands.
  • Bubble level is just that. It lets you know if you are aiming your bow level and helps to set the course of the arrow.
  • Bow release wrist strap is worn around the wrist, goes down the hand, and clasps on the wire of the bow. This makes it easier to draw the bow back.
  • Quiver is what holds the arrows.
  • And we talked about the brace. It’s for my own protection.

Your children are your arrows. You are a warrior. You are fierce. Your children have caught you reading your Bible. They’ve heard you praying. They saw you fasting. They’ve seen you worship. They have watched you face hard times. You took them to church, VBS, choir tours and/or camps.

You are the warrior. You are the one who must load your arrow, your child with your hand into the bow because an arrow has a purpose and the purpose isn’t to stay in the quiver. An arrow’s purpose is to make an impact. An arrow goes the distance. An arrow is penetrating, and doesn’t this world need Christian arrows?

Our homes are our quivers, and thankfully, God is our stabilizer. He gives us the Bible as our bubble level, and He gives us girlfriends as the brace of our exposed arm. Girlfriends are there for our own protection. When we want to run after our babies, they are there to hold us back and talk us off the ledge.

Then there’s the resistance. Has your teen given you any resistance the last year while under your roof? CAN I GET A WITNESS? You are pulling back to release them, and they think they are already grown and have the answers. There’s the tension and the resistance.

We load our arrows into the bow. We are the ones who have to draw it back as we inhale. We hold the position until we have our mark in site, and we exhale as we release our arrows. They fly. The soar. They speed toward the target fulfilling their purpose.

There will be excitement as you watch them fly. They will move towards the purpose for which God has called them. This is what you as a warrior have been trained to do, and it is what you have trained your children to do.

Sometimes the arrow misses the mark. That’s okay. The warrior can collect and resend. Sometimes repairs have to be made on fins on the arrows, but the arrow will fly again. The arrow must fly or the arrow isn’t doing its job, its purpose.

And when they hit their mark, when they find their purpose, the warrior is stoked. You will once again be their cheerleader. You will be jumping up and down like a lunatic…or maybe that’s just me. I get excited when I see my kids make their mark and succeed. Their success looks different than anyone else’s on the face of the planet because it is God’s call on their lives using their strengths and gifts, so there’s no need to compare.

So, girlfriends, even though we may not like it, it is time to load the arrow into the bow, breathe deeply, exhale, and release them trusting God will reduce the shock and His word will direct their path. God’s got this, and He’s got them. So release.

Is Being Different Wrong?


Is Being Different Wrong?

Suppose a man comes into your (church) wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in.  If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?        James 2:2-4

Recently, Keslee, a friend of mine, took her daughter, Lilly, to a nail salon so they could get their nails done.  The nail tech working with Lilly kept telling her to hold her hand a certain way.  Well, Lilly had a difficult time because of a physical handicap.  Instead of working with Lilly, the nail tech got upset, yelled at her, and said she couldn’t work with her because Lilly couldn’t hold her hand the “right way.”  Lilly started crying so Keslee took her to the car, and they left.  Lilly asked Keslee, “Mom, am I handicapped?”  Keslee explained that handicapped simply meant not being able to do something as well as someone else.  She then told Lilly that actually everyone is handicapped.  We ALL have things we can’t do as well as others.


            There is no greater disability in society
            than the inability to see a person as more.
                                                       -  Robert M. Hensel


We’re all created unique and special.  The Potter, God, makes us all perfect, having our own uniqueness.  Isaiah 64:8 tells us

Yet you, Lord are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all  the work of your hand.                   

None of us are the same – not even identical twins.  We all have our own special features, personalities, and traits.  Physical features include gender, race, eye or hair color, body structure, height or weight, fingerprints, and hand dominance.  Some people may have physical handicaps like Lilly that make them different.  We all have different mental abilities.  Is being different wrong?

Personality traits make us different.  These traits reflect one’s characteristic thought patterns, feelings, and even behaviors.  You have people who are very outgoing and like to talk to others.  These are the ones who never seem to meet a stranger.  Others are more passive and prefer to stay in the background or to themselves. You have the creative people who are always busy creating new ideas.  Others may be involved with cooking, sports, music, writing, or other hobbies.  We may prefer to do different things or act differently in situations.  Does that make us wrong?

Is it wrong to be different?  Do you always have to agree with others?  Why do others treat you differently if you aren’t like them?  Don’t they realize that no two people are the same!

There is neither Jew nor Gentile,  Neither slave nor free,                                                 Nor is there male and female,  for YOU ARE ALL ONE in Christ Jesus.          
                                                                              - Galatians 3:28

Many people today are being treated differently because of their religious beliefs.  Christians are being ridiculed and even killed because of what they believe.  Some become outcasts in their own world.  I haven’t been asked to be in groups or go to parties because I didn’t fit in.  A former student, Cassidy, and my niece, Kaci, have been treated differently because they were firm in their faith.  They both weren’t afraid to stand up for what they believed.  They weren’t afraid to be different than others in the crowd, even if it meant they lost friends.  Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.

Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds.               


  •        God made each of us uniquely different. 
  •         He has a plan and purpose for us. 
  •         We are each an individual member of the body of Christ. 
  •        Each of us is a masterpiece created by the wonderful Potter, God.

Is being different wrong?  Not in God’s eyes, because He loves us.  Romans 2:11 says, “For God does not show favoritism.”  Being different is what makes us who we are.  Do not underestimate yourself by comparing yourself with others.  It’s our differences that make us unique and beautiful.

Be proud of who you are!  As God’s masterpiece, you have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  Psalm 139:14

It's Not "IF" God Answers. It's "WHEN" He Answers. (And most of the time you will never know all He's done behind the scene.)

Big belly laughs. Gales of laughter. How many of you have heard those sounds coming from kids while watching the movie Shrek? My kids can quote some of the lines from this movie, and the donkey cracks them up every time. Believe it or not, there are quite a few similarities between Shrek’s trek to find the princess and the Israelites going to the Promised Land.

I’ve been reading through Deuteronomy, meditating on the verses God draws me to, researching the ones that peak my curiosity, and observing some things I’d like to share. I’ve been posting some of my observations in a video format on our Facebook page on Tuesdays, but these I felt needed to be written.

When reading Deuteronomy be sure to circle the words “if” and “when.” There are times when Scripture reads, “When God does…” or “When you…” Then there are other times the word “if” is used. “If you,” and if there’s an “if,” then there is a “then” or something similar. Sometimes it’s not IF God shows up, it’s WHEN He shows up. Do you see how important those two words are?

The next thing I’ve noticed, and I’ve just started chapter 23, is the frequent usage of the phrase, “the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.” Moses keeps reminding the children of Israel that the land they will be living on is the land the Lord their God is giving them. They’ve done nothing to deserve it. They’ve been whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful children, and God is going to give them the Promised Land. I have a confession – I’ve been known to be a whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful child of God, and I am so incredibly thankful He gives good gifts like grace and mercy every day.

We should also observe the last part of that phrase too: “giving you to possess.” God didn’t give them the land to rent, to be co-owners, to be sojourners, nor did He expect the land to do the work. God expected the Israelites to give into the land in a position of authority and take possession. They were to own, have power over and rule. God wanted them to put down roots and become established.

And one more observation found in Numbers 23:11, He turned the curse into a blessing for the Israelites because the Lord your God loves His children. WOW! We serve a big God, don’t we? But to get the backstory to these wonderful words, you really need to read the story in Numbers 22 and 23. It not the story about Joseph and his brothers by the way. It is one of the best stories, and when you read it, read it as if you were watching it unfold on a movie screen. If you don’t crack up laughing, you aren’t reading it right or your funny bone is broken.

So how do all these little observations come together for us right now?

Sometimes we need to remember it’s not “if” but “when” God answers, and other times it’s “if” God chooses to move the way you prayed versus “when” chooses to move on His timing. Anybody need to be reminded who is really in control?

Does someone need to be reminded that everything you have God has given you? He gives the air in your lungs, strength in your bones, and stamina in your muscles to work and do. He provides people and resources to be used for His glory and His kingdom. What are you doing with His resources?

And who feels as if they are living under a curse? Who is carrying a burden, a weight they can’t carry? God can turn a curse into a blessing, and He can do it using a talking donkey. (Dreamworks didn’t create the concept of a talking donkey. God did.) There isn’t ANYTHING too big, too complicated, or too far reaching that God cannot turn around. I don’t want to give too much of that wonderful story away, but the children of Israel NEVER EVEN KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING, but God…

Isn’t that the bottom line? But God… Whether it is “if” or “when,” whether He’s giving and providing with instructions, whether He’s protecting you while you act like a whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful child of God, He is still God. He is still on His thrown. He is on control. Have you given God His lovin’ today? Have you gotten your praise on? He so deserves it.

Whose Approval Do You Want?


I was driving home from school last week, and I got to the corner of Mansfield and Bert Kouns where Brookshires is. I needed to turn right, but the light was red. I couldn’t see the traffic coming from the left because an 18-wheeler was in the way, so I choose to wait until my light turned green. The person in the truck behind me was not pleased with my decision and honked at me until the light turned green. When the person first started honking, I began to stress, and I thought about just going ahead and turning. But then I kinda heard the Jesus speak to me. He said something along the lines of, “Focus only on pleasing me, listen only to my voice. Don’t become distracted by others. If you just listen to me, you won’t be stressed or pressured into dangerous situations.”  

Whenever we start to get caught up in pleasing others, we turn into a chicken with their head cut off. We have no real purpose for anything we do. We’re just trying to appease as many people as we can. Eventually, we’ll get too overwhelmed and break. When we put our focus back on God and focusing on pleasing him, the weight on our shoulders to be enough and to make everyone happy leaves. We can finally be at peace. Galatians 1:10 saysFor am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”  

And when you’re only goal is to please God, then you realize that his timing is so much better than ours. You are in the place you are in for a reason. It may not be a happy, fun place to be in, but if you try to move before God tells you to, you’re back outside of God’s will. As hard and as bad as some situations can be, they’re never permanent. And God is using that experience to glorify Him and bring honor to His name.

 It may be hard to believe right now, but that phrase “Hindsight is 20/20,” is so true. Once you are out of that moment, you can see God moving in your life. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1-3. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 continues to talk about the times for different things. And even in the valleys of life you can have peace if you just trust in God’s timing.

In life (especially high school), it is so easy get caught up in pleasing others. We’re still trying to figure life out, and there’s so many things and people calling for our attention. If we can learn now that God’s plans are so much better than ours, we’ll be a bit wiser than most teens.

Gotta Testify. I'm in a fiery ordeal.


1 Peter 4:12-13, Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you as if something unusual were happening to you. Instead, rejoice as you share in the suffering of the Messiah, so that you may also rejoice with great joy at the revelation of His glory.

This was the verse that was read at church, and I thought to myself, “Hmm, it’s as if God knew I would be here tonight and needed to see this verse.” I couldn’t wait to get home to meditate on it.

Since 2018 started, my daughter started a new school because of bullies at her high school. She has made the transition beautifully.

In 2018, my husband found things out regarding his business partner which were devastating to say the least, and now he’s trying to obtain the necessary documentation, so he can dissolve their companies.

This week on social media my son said some things that concerned his friends. Thankfully, he has some good friends who told their parents who called us.

And Thursday of this week, I found out I’ll be losing my job, as they move my job into a huge building in Dallas.

So, when I read, “Don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes,” I can honestly say I’m in the fiery ordeal. 2018 apparently is the year of transition for my family, but before the transition is completed first comes testing and trials to prepare us for the new place, new location God has waiting for us.

The next observation in this verse is we are to rejoice with great joy…not regular joy, but GREAT joy at the revelation of His glory! Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” I have said joy is one word in the Bible that has sound attached to it. Joy is singing. Joy is shouting. Joy is NOT silent.

So, how am I going to get through these fiery ordeals to rejoicing with GREAT joy at the revelations of His glory?

First, I think worship. Worshiping the God who is in control yesterday, today and tomorrow. Worshiping the God who was not caught off-guard nor was surprised by the turn of events in my life. Worshiping the God who was and is and is to come, laying every single burden I have down at His feet, and crawling up in my Abba’s lap and waiting on Him to do His thing.

Second, I’m going to be grateful. I am grateful our daughter told us at the end of 2017 how those girls were relentless in their bullying. I am grateful she came to us with the information regarding Caddo Virtual Academy where the principal is a growing Christian. (You know one when you see one.) I am grateful I have been given the opportunity to restore what those girls were stripping away from my daughter.

I am grateful my husband is seeing his partner for his true identity. God is answering my prayers to surround my husband with growing, godly men as friends and mentors, but first he had to remove the ungodly. So I am grateful for God working in only the way He knew to do.

I am grateful for kids who stand up for my son when he felt overwhelmed by choices he had made. I am grateful for parents who called concerned about my son’s welfare. I am thankful for a counselor who worked us in the next day. I am thankful my son is in a much better place because he can now talk to us openly about what he was struggling with, about what he had been packing down for so long.

I am grateful for a career of 24 plus years with a company that provided benefits and income which supported my family. I am thankful for a job where I was able to learn and acquire many marketable skills which may help me get another job. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with some really wonderful people. I just pray I’ve done enough to point them to God.

Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.” In each of the scenarios presented in this verse we see that we pass through the waters and through the rivers and through the fire. He doesn’t intend on my living in this fiery ordeal for the rest of my life. We will pass through, and so will you if and when you go through a fiery ordeal.

The refining fire is not left unattended. The dross of our lives that the fire reveals is removed, purifying us. And then I think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. In Daniels 3:27 says, “When the satraps, prefects, governors, and the king’s advisers gathered around, they saw that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men: not a hair of their head was singed, their robes were unaffected, and there was no smell of fire on them.” While there was no physical evidence they had been through their fiery ordeal, their growth in faith provided evidence of what the fire can do. Don’t you know they had a story to tell about the fourth man in the furnace with them!? Don’t you know they told people what the fourth man said and did? Don’t you know they testified how Jesus passed them through the fire to testify again to what an awesome God they served?

So when all is said and done, and God has moved us through the fiery ordeal, I will have great joy because I will be able to see where I was before 2018’s refining fire and see how much God has grown and mature not only my faith but the faith of my husband and children.

We aren’t anywhere close to being through this fiery ordeal, but I have hope. I have faith, and I know who holds my future, and I know who holds yours.

If you are going through the water, the rivers, or the fire and want or need prayer, would you please send us a message? We would be honored to pray for you, and if you know someone going through a difficult time and think they could use this, please feel free to share and encourage them.

Keep Your Conversations Weird -- You Don't Even Have a Bucket

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“Sir, you don’t even have a bucket.”

In my family, “normal” is a setting on a washer or dryer. When my sister and I were growing up, we thought we were normal or had a normal family. It wasn’t until we would spend the night with friends that we realized that our family was NOT normal.

To this day we have some weird, off-the-wall conversations, and if you happen to walk into the middle of one, well…bless your heart.

So when I saw how Jesus started this conversation in the Bible and the confusion on the part of this woman, I thought to myself, “This is great.” For me the best part about this conversation is Jesus is talking to the Samaritan woman, and He chooses to reveal to her what true worship is and will be. He chose a woman who was an outcast because she was a Samaritan considered by the Jews to be a half-breed, and an outcast because she had been married multiple times and was living with a man at the time of the conversation. And yet, this Jewish man spoke to her. It was unheard of, but so was the type of worship He revealed to her.

In John 4 Jesus asks this outcast for water. Her response was, “How is it that You, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”

His response, “If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink, you would ask Him and He would give you living water.”

To which she responds, Sir, you don’t even have a bucket.  In my head, I heard almost a comical tone. Um, sir, you don’t even have a bucket.” Like pointing out the obvious was necessary.

Is there someone you want to reach for the Lord? Is there someone you are praying for to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior? Take a page from Jesus’ playbook.

1.     Be filled with the Spirit. Jesus was completely human, but He was empowered by the Holy Spirit and was completely God.


This isn’t something you can do on your own.


2.     If the Spirit leads you to a place, then be present.

3.     Get rid of distractions. The disciples had gone to the city to buy food. Had the disciples been there, they would have attempted to interrupt or intercede.

4.     Jesus asks the woman for something she can provide. He asks for her help. This is what starts the conversation.

5.     Jesus gives her all of His attention.

6.     He answers her honestly.

7.     He asks questions which makes her think and want to know more.

8.     When the conversation turns to religious things, worship issues, He doesn’t back away from telling her the truth about her life and how it’s wrong, but He does so in love.

9.     He points and tells her the right way to worship and come before God.

10.                         It’s a conversation that turns into a relationship. It’s a relationship that turns into a revival, and isn’t that what we all want for someone who is lost?

Look for opportunities to have weird conversations. Look for ways to introduce Jesus to others in those conversations, and watch what the Spirit can do.

Choose Your Friends Wisely -- Next Gen




 I’ve always loved having a big group of friends and an even closer circle of best friends. However, in middle school I had two friends, my cousin and another girl who changed schools in 7th grade. So, I didn’t have a lot of friends. I was also unpopular, and by that I mean I wasn’t a big deal around school. I wasn’t “cool,” and people weren’t flocking to me. I don’t know why, but this bothered me in middle school.  

I decided to go to a public high school, and while there were never “popular” groups, there were groups of kids who people knew. Girls who people respected and were a little scared of. And I desperately wanted to be one of those girls, so I became one. I got extremely close with three girls. Two of which claimed they were Christians, one of which was not and was not open to hear about my Christianity. I called these girls my best friends for almost 3 years.  

We often got in arguments and gossiped about each other. I eventually decided I couldn’t be friends with them anymore at the beginning of junior year. I told the girl I was closest with first, and then the rest of my so called “friends” found out. They instantly became my enemies.  

They spread rumors and made going to school terrible. I eventually transferred schools because these girls were in almost all of my classes and I hated going to school every day.

 I learned a few things that I think all teens and adults should know about friends. I unfortunately had to learn the hard way, but I hope that you won’t have to.  

The first and most important thing I learned was to listen to your mother! Or your dad, or grandparents, or a good Christian friend. I thankfully had another best friend at the time who is a growing Christian who I knew I could trust. Any time I would tell my mom or her about how upset I was with these girls they both would tell me maybe I shouldn’t be friends with them. They told me for a year, and I didn’t listen to them. There’s even a Bible verse about this. Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel.” I thought I was right; therefore, making me a fool.  

However, if you find yourself in a situation similar to mine, remember that God still loves you and that you are not too far from redemption. I toyed around with the idea of leaving these girls for a whole six months before I finally worked up enough courage to do it. And you might think, “Okay so this is where your life got back on track, and you returned to God’s umbrella of protection.” Ha, no. I was not done being foolish. I did not run to God, I ran to everything except God -- Netflix, Youtube, sad songs, books, other friends. I think I was afraid of God telling me what I already knew. I had turned from Him, and even though I didn’t do anything to cause the bullying, I did put myself in that situation.  

When I did finally get my act together, I started to have my quiet time again and this verse stood out. “When He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd.” -Matthew 9:36. “Weary and worn out,” that hits hard, I thought to myself. “Like sheep without a shepherd.” I was a sheep without a shepherd, and God feels compassion for me.

The context around this verse is that Jesus was preaching to towns and saw how literally and spiritually sick these people were. Instead of condemning them, Jesus felt compassion for them.  Whenever you’re a child of God, He will feel compassion for the problems you have. Even if you get yourself into them. However, this does not mean He will not punish you. God is a good father, and as our father He has to make sure we get our life back together.  

The last thing is that it’s better to be lonely and be under God’s umbrella of protection, than to be in the company of evil. You may have friends, feel included and loved, but that’s only temporary if you don’t have the friends God wants you to have. Because you’ll wind up with more regret and feeling more lonely than you did when you chose to make bad friends. And this is so much easier said than done and trust me being lonely sucks, but I promise you it is worth it in the end. If I had been patient and waited for the right friends instead of taking things into my own hands I probably wouldn’t be where I am now. If only I had listened to this verse found in Romans 8:25, “But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Waiting can save you from a world of hurt.

 I’ve learned a lot more from this experience in my life, but I thought I would share some of the things I look for in friends now. I look for friends who I know are growing Christians. How do you know this? Look at their lifestyle. How they talk to others who are not their equal, like a younger sibling, or an underclassman at school. This will show a lot about their heart as it says in Luke 6:45, “A good man produces good out of the good storeroom of his heart. An evil man produces evil out of the evil storeroom, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.” Basically what’s in your heart will come out in your words.

If you find yourself a growing Christian, everything else lines up because this person will have God at the center of their heart. They’ll look out for you and tell you when you need to step back in line with God. They will not lead you astray or to temptations, but will help and encourage you to do what’s right. They will love you for who you are and not ask you to be someone you’re not. Christian friends are some of the most important people in your life.

“Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.” - Proverbs 22:24-25.

So go get yourself some godly girlfriends. They are priceless.

When the storms hit...


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow penned the saying, “Into each life some rain must fall,” but sometimes when it rains, it pours. You step outside and your umbrella is caught by the wind turning it inside out, and instead of protecting your head, it now contains enough water to end a drought. You step in a puddle only to find your rain boots have a hole, and if that isn’t bad enough, while you are walking in a parking lot, someone drives by splashing you with water, mud and debris.

Have you ever felt this way about the things going on in your life?

I’m kind of there right now personally. I always expect things to happen like this during the fast. Satan just doesn’t realize when he does a full court press, I lean into my Abba even harder and hold on.

My verse today on my Bible Gateway app is Philippians 2:14-16, Do EVERYTHING (I capitalized for emphasis) without grumbling and arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God who are faultless in a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine like stars in the world, by holding firm to the word of life. Then I can boast in the day of Christ that I didn’t run or labor for nothing.

When the hard times hit, we are to do EVERYTHING without grumbling and arguing. If that doesn’t walk on your toes, make sure you still have toes. Grumbling and arguing and complaining makes us no different than the world. Who is listening to you talk that smack?

James 3:9-10, With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in God’s likeness. Blessing and cursing come out of the same mouth. My brothers and sisters these things should not be this way. You can’t run someone down and then turn around and bless and worship that person’s Creator. PLEASE! Get a grip on your lips.

When we grumble, gripe and complain about what is going on then what are you saying about God? Are you saying God isn’t big enough? God isn’t enough? God can’t fix? God can’t cure? God can’t heal? God can’t mend? When we grumble, gripe and complain it is very evident we have focused our attention on the problem and not the Problem Solver. We are focused on the challenge ahead of us instead of the Challenge Overcomer.

Get your head up, girlfriend. Straighten your crown. You are a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It’s time you acted like it.

James 1:2-8, Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete lacking nothing. Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God – who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly – and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord, being double-minded and unstable in all his ways.

Chew on the first five words of that verse, CONSIDER IT A GREAT JOY!  Does joy grumble, gripe and complain? Joy has a sound, and that ain’t it. If you think I’m kidding, study the word joy. Joy does not mean you don’t have problems. Joy does not mean that you don’t have pain and hurt. What joy means is in any situation we find ourselves in, we know who holds our future. He is the one who determines our footsteps, not man.

In the faith chapter in Hebrews, Therefore, we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:6. Are you allowing to God to be your Helper, or are you doing what you think is right and hoping for the best?

If you think this truth-speaking blog walked on your toes, you haven’t seen mine. Let’s cut out the grumbling, griping and complaining. Let’s start praying for those who are providing the challenge or difficulty instead of cursing them. Let’s pray for the situation we find ourselves in, and let’s look for the things for which we can be thankful.

Let’s do some singing in the rain. Shall we?

Perks and Rewards Program

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Almost every store has a reward system. Grocery stores reward return customers with coupons, lower prices, or matches lowest price items sold elsewhere. Clothes stores offer 10% off if you apply for their credit card. Does any of this sound familiar? Perks and rewards. Amazon has Amazon Prime. Barnes and Noble has a program you buy into to get lower price on books. Sam’s Club card owners pay a fee to buy things cheaper in bulk. We’re always looking for the perk or reward for doing something or for buying something.

Well, good news! There are perks and rewards to fasting! After the post yesterday with the WARNING, I thought you might want to hear a little more about the perks and rewards.

From my own personal testimony of fasting, I can tell you I have received the reward of clarity. God gives me clarity on decisions that need to be made. He gives me clarity on my purpose and where I should be focusing my time. He gives me clarity in regards to relationships I’m in.

I have also seen the reward of watching God’s hand move to answer long-time prayers. Was it in the way I imagined? Rarely does He answer my prayers the way I think He will. I only see my circumstances. He sees the bigger picture. Isaiah 55:8-9 lets us know His way and thoughts are much higher than ours. Sometimes the way He chooses to answer my prayers can be painful, but looking back, I can see the pain was necessary. He was grooming me. He was cutting off the dead stuff so new growth could occur, and that can be quite painful at times. Not gonna lie. But it is definitely worth it on the other side.

He has put me in positions where all I can do is rely on Him thereby growing my faith. Faith growth is a reward to fasting. He will put me outside my comfort zone like no one else. Will I trust Him? Will I walk by faith and not by sight trying to control the situation myself? Will I follow Him even when it doesn’t make sense?

But my favorite of all is how close it brings me to my Abba. I love sensing the Spirit’s presence. I enjoy intimacy that can only be found during fasting, praying and praising. This happens because the time I would normally spend on Facebook, Pinterest or watching TV is spent fellowshipping with my Savior.

So what is the perk? I do tend to lose a little weight, but God knows that the intention of my heart is not to lose weight but to draw closer to Him.

There you have it. My testimony of the perk and rewards of fasting, praying, praising and meditating. What will be your rewards? Only God knows, but there are so many benefits to this time in your walk with Him, and He is so generous with His blessings.

One last thing. You might only see the perk and rewards after the fast is over. It may not happen for a week or two or more after the fast, so keep watching for the Spirit to move and to answer prayers. Keep watching.


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In the United States, there are warning labels everywhere. There are labels on prescriptions, food, toys, clothes, cars, houseware. You name it. If it is a manufactured good, there’s a warning. The warnings associated with prescriptions are crazy. You take medication for high blood pressure, and there’s a warning about all the possible side effects. Have you ever listened to the advertisements for over-the-counter prescriptions and pharmaceutical drugs? The warnings are more dyer than the reason you are taking it in the first place. This drug may cause diarrhea, leaky bowels, incontinence, incessant crying, cramping, nose hair growth. It’s just crazy. Any why on earth do we have to warn people not to put their hair dryer in the bathtub with them? You know if they are putting a warning on it that some person tried it at some point. I bet their hair ended up looking like Don King or Phyllis Diller. Bless their hearts.

There are some warning that are helpful like Dangerous Road Ahead, Road Closed Ahead or Bridge Out. I am rather grateful for those warnings. We really should heed those kind of warnings speaking from personal experience on that whole Dangerous Road Ahead thing. Fortunately I wasn’t the one driving and making the decisions because I was a kid. We were assured it would be a short-cut. HA! Not even close. So those warnings are good ones. Just saying.

For those of you who are participating in the fast whether you are doing the Daniel’s Fast or you are fasting social media, TV, caffeine, coffee, etc., I should have given you a warning. I should have told you to expect spiritual warfare and to arm up every day putting on the whole armor of God. If you don’t know what the armor of God is read Ephesians 6:10-20. You see, Satan knows that fasting draws us even closer to God. We are probably the closest to God when we are praising, praying and fasting, and Satan does NOT like that.

Satan will go through all manner of attacks to try to get you to veer off your fast. Maybe it’s your fleshly weakness. Maybe he attacks your family. Maybe he attacks the health. Consider Job. Consider Jesus. Satan will go to extreme lengths to get believers to deny Christ or at the very least become passive, useless Christians.

If you haven’t found what you are to be reading and studying during the fast, I highly recommend studying the armor of God and when Jesus was tempted in Matthew 4:1-11. The armor of God teaches us the different elements of how God prepares us for spiritual warfare. Be sure to read all the way to verse 20 because there are valuable instructions there. Then reading how Jesus withstood being tempted while he was fasting will give you ammunition to use along with your armor. I’ll give you a little secret. Jesus quotes Scripture, but you need to dig and see how it all applies.

So while fasting grows us and matures us in our faith and draws us closer to God, you can count on the enemy to attack. Continue steady on with your fast. Pray fervently without ceasing. Meditate on Scripture, and watch God work it all out because we know who the ultimate victor is. God.

Is the warning dyer? Yes. Is the warning worse than the results of the fasting? Not in a million years. Keep your shields up, girlfriends. Keep your shields up.

Resolution Reruns

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            Remember the days before we had the technology to record our favorite TV shows, watch them on Netflix, or even buy the DVD?  Our family had our favorite shows such as The Dukes of Hazard, Star Search, and The Cosby Show that we looked forward to watching. We all knew what day and time our shows came on, and we worked everything else for that evening around that show time. When the new episodes came out in the fall, we were especially excited.  About January, we had seen all of the new episodes, so we watched the reruns. Reruns were good, but they did not illicit the excitement that they did when they were new.

            That seems to be the way many of us are with New Year’s resolutions: this is the year we are going to get to our target weight, get organized, better our financial situation, have regular personal devotion times, quit smoking, etc.  While these are goals worthy of our time and effort, many of us find ourselves repeating the same resolutions from year to year, and we feel defeated when we do not reach these goals. I encourage all of us to focus on all three aspects of ourselves this year: spiritual, emotional/mental, and physical and set a goal for each aspect.  How do we do this without having our resolve break before the end of January much less last throughout the year? Here are a few tips that I believe would be helpful as well as Biblical truths to encourage us throughout our journey.

  •  First, no plan will succeed without the Father’s help. We are weak in our humanness.  We try so hard to making lasting changes, but sometimes even our best efforts fall flat. There are many factors that play into success, but the primary one is the daily strength that we draw from the Lord. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Seek His will and commit your way to Him (Psalm 37:5).  This is the basis for any plan a Christian makes. Any other way means that we are trying to accomplish a task in our own strength which is not only futile but exhausting.
  • Second, make your goal attainable and measurable. “I want to get healthier” is a wonderful goal, but how exactly will you measure it? How will you know when you are as healthy as you had hoped to be this year?  Examples of attainable, measurable goals include: losing 10 pounds in the next 3 months, walking 1 mile a day at least 3 days a week, getting a good head-to-toe physical check-up. These are attainable and measurable.  When you achieve a goal, set another one. Always be working toward another goal. Losing 50 pounds this year is a valid goal if that is something that you and your doctor agree will improve your health, but it can feel overwhelming. Instead, break it into smaller chunks.
  • Third, be excited about it and share your goals and success with others. The more you talk about your goals and get the support of loved ones, the more they can help support and encourage you. Let them know the challenges you may face along the way and weaknesses you have concerning the goal and ask for their prayer and encouragement. For example, if you have a goal of having a personal devotion time daily, share with a friend or family member what you are learning in your devotion time or seek out an accountability partner. Post your goals and success on the fridge or your bathroom mirror and celebrate your successes.
  •  Lastly, remember that falling down does not mean failure. Failure is falling and not getting back up.  Anyone who sets a goal will fall down at some point(s). One of my favorite assurances in the Bible is that God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  So when you mess up and have that piece of pie (and the second piece), or you lose your temper (again), or when you skip that devotion time in one day (or week), remember that you have the chance to make the right choice starting in this moment: you can make better food choices at the next snack or meal time, you can hold your tongue the next time you are tempted to spout off, and you can choose to pray right now and open your Bible to receive God’s truths and worship Him.

            It may be helpful to join a support group that will help you achieve your goals or seek professional counseling to help you work through personal challenges that may be barriers to your reaching your goals.  Get involved with the Girlfriend Ministry or a small group at your church to help disciple you into a deeper relationship with Christ. Whatever it is you resolve to do, recognize that you will fall off the wagon at some point (actually multiple points), but get back up with Christ’s help and get back on the wagon and keep going and give Him the glory when you reach those goals!



Star over Bethlehem When Jesus Was Born? I'm not so sure.


The first time I ever flew was when I was in high school when my dad won a trip through his company to Breckenridge, Colorado. While we were there, daddy decided we would take a day trip to Pike’s Peak. This was before the day and age of GPS, so we used an old-fashioned map. Daddy had looked at the map and decided to take this one road because it would be a “short cut.” When we turned off the main road to take the “short cut,” the road had a sign that read,

“Travel at Your Own Risk.”

Did we take the road less traveled? Why yes we did!

I have only been carsick one time, and it was on the “Travel at Your Own Risk” road. It was so winding around the mountain. It was gravel and barely two lanes wide. It was the most treacherous road I have EVER traveled, and I promise you I will never take another road with that sign again.

Had we taken the main highways, we would have been there in three hours, but this short cut lead us to spend the night in a hotel. I don’t even remember seeing Pike’s Peak. I remember the journey in great detail though. Ha! Ha! Ha!

When I read about the wise men, I wonder many things about the journey. Like, who thought it was a good idea to follow a moving star? What did they tell their loved ones? "Honey, I'll be home in a year. I need to see where the star leads." Following the star means all their traveling was at night, so what was their accommodations during the day? How far away was the star from the magi every night when it appeared? Did they take off through fields to follow the star or did they stick to the main roads? Did they take short cuts? I'm really curious.

I don't know about you, but I always assumed the star appeared when Jesus was born. The first time we read about the star is with the wise men in Matthew 2:2. Then Matthew 2:9 says they saw the star in the east, and it led them until it came and stopped above the place where the child was.  So the star may not have been in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born. It may have appeared in the east where the magi would see it, become curious, start researching and felt compelled to follow. The star moved so they could follow. How cool is that!?

You know what I love about this story? I love the fact God used a star to communicate to magi – those who studied astrology and black magic. God spoke to them in a way they could appreciate and understand.  He met them where they were. He didn’t expect them Mary and Joseph to take Jesus to them. God drew them to himself.

And do you know when God planned to communicate to them through a star? From the very beginning!!!! Genesis 1:14, "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years." God knew He would be using the stars to communicate to us on earth. He knew He would use a star to connect the magi (Gentiles) to the Savior of the world. How cool is that?

From the very beginning of Jesus’ life He was reaching the Gentiles. Calling them. Drawing them to himself.

Who are you praying for this Christmas? Who in your life does God need to meet where they are? Who does God need to communicate to and draw them near? If God can use a star to communicate to black magic magi, He can use anyone and anything to reach the lost.

The star on top of your Christmas tree reminds us God once used a star to draw magi to a baby born and laying in wooden feeding trough who would die on a wooden cross for our sins. Point them to the star.

Does Your Family Put the "Func" in Dysfunctional?

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Do you dread the holidays because you have to spend time with your family, your spouse’s family, and/or extended family? Do you look for any excuse to get out of those visits?

Have you ever looked at your family and thought, “We put the ‘func’ in dysfunctional”?

I am blessed. I love my sister and parents, and we get along wonderfully. Both sets of grandparents were awesome. I knew all my cousins, and I looked forward to the holidays when we would get to see each other. I know this is not the norm though.

But if you think you’re family get-togethers resemble more like a WWE smack-down, you aren’t alone. As a matter of fact, this is probably more the norm than the Norman Rockwell portrait of the American family in his Freedom from Want print.

How about this for family dysfunction?

A grandmother who was a prostitute.

Another grandmother who dressed as a prostitute to get pregnant by her father-in-law – that’s Jerry Springer material, and I’m not even making this stuff up.

A grandfather who was an adulterer and murderer.

A grandfather who was a polygamist.

A grandfather who was a mischievous conniver, and one grandfather was a drunk.

Now if you consider siblings, let’s just say none of them were initially a fan of the oldest child, and he was illegitimate by today’s standards.

Things in this family really couldn’t be much seedier. It’s a family tree you didn’t want to shake for fear of what would fall out. How does this make you feel about your family? Feel any better?

You may have guessed it by now, but that family was the lineage of Jesus. His lineage was full of dysfunctional people. From Rahab to Tamar, from David, Solomon, Jacob and Noah, Jesus’ family tree was one riddled with sinners, backsliders, and hypocrites. And yet, He came to earth to die for the sinners, backsliders, hypocrites, prostitutes, adulterers, polygamist, connivers and drunks. What a load to bear!

I want to encourage you to find one person in your family who grinds on your ever-lovin’-last nerve and compare that person’s story to someone similar in Jesus’ lineage. I want you to pray for that person before you have to encounter them. Ask God to allow you to see that relative the way He sees them. Pray it over and over and over. Pray it before, during, and after the visit. Withhold judgment, and look for ways to pray for them and even encourage them.

Who knows? You might be the one who irritates them the most.

God is in the healing business. He is in the restoration business. He is in the forgiving business, and we are to be about our Father’s business.

The hardest people to reach for Christ are those who are in our own families sometimes because we share a history and we sit in the seat of judgment because we know their history. If this is you, I’d highly recommend you find out what the Word has to say about your position. It’s not pleasant.

The sin that nailed Jesus to the cross is the same for you as it is for the person who is a thorn in your side. The redemption you have claimed is the same redemption that is available to your family member no matter how many times they have messed up. This doesn’t mean you are to be a doormat. What it does mean is you don’t give up presenting Christ to them, and what better time to be the hands and feet of Jesus than at Christmas?

A Birth Announcement

Did you know that an elephant’s pregnancy is 18 to 22 months long? Can you imagine being pregnant that long? Waddling everywhere. Belly stretching beyond its normal shape. Feeling that baby kick, move and squirm. Enduring the baby sitting on your bladder or up in your ribs.

Since I’ve never been pregnant, I wouldn’t even begin to know how that feels, but I do equate the time that we began trying to have a baby until our first baby was placed in my arms as my pregnancy, and it rivals that of the elephant.

Most women anticipate the birth of their baby for 7-8 months depending on when they discover they are pregnant. When you go through fertility treatments and adoption, you are anticipating the birth of your baby from the first time you try to conceive and fail.

Our daughter has a wonderful adoption story. Hers is an open adoption, and I was allowed to be in the delivery room when she was born. It is something I will always treasure and remember. Three years of fertility treatments, failed adoptions, and depression culminated in the climax of hearing my baby’s first cry. It was something I had waited for and anticipated for a very long time. Sometimes the waiting was just excruciating as many of my friends became pregnant with ease.

For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.
                                        -  1 Samuel 1:27

Every year beginning with Black Friday shopping, people anticipate Christmas morning. Unfortunately, the anticipation is not for the birth of the Christ child but for the presents under the tree.

This year, I challenge you to be in anticipation of the birth announcement that a Savior has been born. Anticipate the birth of your Redeemer. Anticipate the birth of the perfect sacrifice.

I remember sending out our daughter’s birth announcement. It was with great joy that I finally got to tell everyone we were the proud parents of a baby girl. She was actually due at the end of December, but true to her personality, she came in her sweet time. Our birth mom had to be induced at the end of the first week in January, and our daughter came out overdone. She was content to stay where she was and was in no great rush to make her entrance.

But when she made her entrance, my husband and I were blowing up our phones calling all of our family and friends to tell them the good news. She’s here! She’s here! She’s perfect, and she’s here!

My eyes still tear up when I think of that day.

And as excited as we were and as many calls as we made and as many birth announcements we sent out which was a lot, it could not compare to God’s birth announcement.

God had told His children 400 to 500 years before He would be sending a child who would redeem them. He gave them prophesy after prophesy, and then silence because His children were not listening.

Fast-forward 400 to 500 years, an announcement to Mary and Elizabeth and her husband began the ripples of anticipation once again that a baby was coming, a King, a Redeemer.

And when Jesus, Immanuel was born, the heavens could not contain the celebration. Luke 2:8-14 says the angels came out of heaven. They pierced the pitch dark sky. God’s glory was around the angel announcing the birth of His one and only Son. If you remember, God’s glory was so bright He had to hide Moses in the cleft of the rock, and Moses was able to see the back trail of God’s glory only, so can you imagine how bright this glory was in comparison to the darkness of the night?

The angel told them not to be afraid. The angel told them a Savior had been born and where to find Him. And then a multitude of angels start pouring out of heaven praising God, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors!” 

Isaiah 6 tells us that 6 seraphim angels were praising God, and their praise was so loud it shook the door posts. If 6 angels can shake the door posts, then a multitude could shake the foundation of the earth. Think of the loudest concert you have ever been to and magnify the volume by 10, and it still wouldn’t do this announcement justice. Those shepherds’ insides were vibrating with the praise of the Most High God.

Now that was a birth announcement worth anticipating. And do you know what stands out to me about the birth announcement? In verse 11, “Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord was born for you…” He was BORN FOR YOU! God is excited about the birth of His Son, but He’s excited because His Son’s birth was for YOU!

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Are you anticipating the birth of your Redeemer, or are you stressed because you haven’t gotten your shopping done?

Are you anticipating the birth of the One who is your Savior, or are you focused on the lights and tinsel on the tree?

Are you anticipating the birth of the One who wrote history before time began, or are you anticipating making memories with your family?

Love your family and friends enough to be excited and anticipate the birth of Jesus and share your faith with them. They need to know you are anticipating a birth announcement.

When Holidays Are Not So Jolly

When Holidays Are Not So Jolly

 Beautifully decorated Christmas trees, Christmas shopping, cooking, eating with family and friends, driving around looking at Christmas lights, Christmas cookies, children’s choirs. All of these things sound so warm, happy and exciting, don’t they?  Or do they? For some, just the mere thought of the holidays brings on a sense of dread, or at best, hesitancy. There are countless reasons for these feelings such as grief, loneliness, depression, divorce, financial stress, family conflict, illness, and painful memories of childhood Christmases. It seems that so many people who have lost loved ones in recent days, and so many people are grieving. I believe this will be a good place to start.


The empty seat at the dinner table. Dishes that only she cooked. The turkey he smoked in the smoker. Decorations that you put up together. Years of traditions. Perhaps, you’ve gone through a divorce or a major life change. All of these things can lead to grief. It is important to recognize and acknowledge it for what it is. There does not have to be a physical death for there to be grief. Loss is loss. There is no timeline for grief. Whether the loss is within the last month or if it was years ago, grief is real. It means you loved. 1 Corinthians 13:13 states “Now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.” By acknowledging our grief, we acknowledge our love. It is unrealistic to expect yourself to feel happy and joyful throughout the holiday season when you are mourning a loss. This Christmas may not be like Christmases in the past, and it may not look like ones in the future. It is ok. With grief, sometimes the whole point is just to get through today. There is no right or wrong way to grieve as long as you are not harming yourself or others.

If putting up a tree and decorations just seems to be too much, then skip it this year.  It is ok to skip those things that just seem to be overwhelming or that cause you pain.  If you have children who are counting on a tree and decorations, consider asking friends to come help put up the decorations. If going to all of the parties, choir performances and special events is too overwhelming, just choose those that mean the most to you. Some people even choose to go on vacation during Christmas or have a nontraditional meal and use paper plates instead of the good china (you might find that you really like the idea of using paper goods in the future instead of having to wash all of those dishes!)  Consider online shopping, gift cards or even just a heart-felt, handwritten letter to each family member.  Whatever you choose to do, it is important to remember that no one has to understand or approve of how you choose to do Christmas this year. Do what works for you and do only those things that are meaningful to you.

Make sure that you rely on loved ones who care about you. Do not make the mistake of trying to hold it all in and pretending all is well.  Proverbs 17:17 emphasizes that friends are given to us not only for the good times but also for difficult times: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.” You will find the load you carry is easier to bear when shared with those who care about you. If you feel uncomfortable talking with someone who is close to you, you might talk to a minister or a licensed professional counselor or marriage and family therapist.  You might also consider journaling to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. No one has to read it. It is just for you.

Remember to take good care of yourself physically, as well. Eat well and eat those rich foods only in moderation. Go light on the sweets! Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. Minimize or avoid alcohol consumption.  Alcohol is a depressant which can make feelings of depression worse.  If you find yourself wanting to drink alcohol to deal with your grief, get help by talking to someone.  Get some exercise by going for a walk. Keep your regular schedule as much as possible by getting up and going to bed each day about the same time as usual. Rest when you feel tired.  Grief is exhausting and lack of sleep leads to further exhaustion which makes it even more difficult to cope. 

Lastly, take good care of your spiritual health. Sometimes going to church during the holidays can be painful when you are grieving. You might consider going to more casual evening services instead of the morning service or attending small group meetings such as Sunday School or life group meetings. Consider using a daily devotional that is geared toward those who are grieving. Stay in the Word – Psalms is a wonderful place to begin. Psalm 34:18 says “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.” He cares for you! He wants to comfort you if you will only let Him.  Above all else, pray! Pray for strength and comfort, but also pray for others. Thank Him for each of your blessings.  Even in the midst of difficult times, we have so much to be thankful for. Often times, being grateful can turn our thoughts from our own pain and onto the One who is our Comforter.

Remember that the holidays will come and go, and you will survive them one day at a time.  You will always feel a sense of loss because you loved, but the grief will not always feel so overwhelming. Please remember that you are loved and are being prayed for!

*If your feelings of depression become intense and you feel that you may harm yourself, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room for help. Holidays are difficult for many people, and help is available!”