Trust in the Lord
Have you ever been disappointed by someone you trusted? Have you ever been so scared you simply didn’t know what to do? Have you ever had a broken heart? Have you ever been so financially drained you didn’t know how you’d ever be able to make it? Have you ever felt alone with no one to turn to or nowhere to go? These are just a few difficulties that we may go through sometime during our lifetime.
Well, “let me tell you about my Jesus”. When life seems uncertain, God ALWAYS knows what is going on – we can trust Him to carry us through. God tells us to trust Him with ALL our heart rather than leaning on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Whenever we trust Him and seek His will in EVERYTHING we do – He will ALWAYS show us the paths to take.
God will always show us the path to take.
You see God has perfect timing. Isaiah 60:22 tells us that when the time is right, the Lord will make things happen. He doesn’t ask us to figure everything out. He asks us to trust Him because He already has things figured out. God is always in control even when your circumstances may seem out of control.
Ephesians 6:10-18 also reminds us that God is ALWAYS with us, yes, even in the worst times. His presence is with us – protecting us and working for us. He empowers us with everything we possibly could need to face those difficulties that confront us. We have the POWER of His Holy Spirit and the Spiritual Weapons we need to stand against the devil’s evil schemes.
When you’re feeling helpless and are unsure of what to do next, follow God’s commands, follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, and truly trust God to work everything out for your good. God will lead you through those storms in your life if you simply put your trust in Him. When bad things happen, instead of becoming so absorbed with all the negative circumstances coming against you, FOCUS on GOD – His character, His power, and His love. Trust GOD!
The word TRUST can be found throughout the Bible. The Hebrew word batach, which means trust, is found in the Old Testament 120 times. The Greek word peitho, which means trust or having confidence in, occurs 53 times in the New Testament.
No matter what you’re going through, look to heaven’s promises. Trust in God to carry you through, to protect you, and to provide for you. God will NEVER let you down. His faithfulness is consistent and worthy of your confidence. Romans 10:11 tells us that whoever believes in Him will NOT be disappointed. You will ALWAYS be better off trusting God than relying on someone or something else. Allow God the chance to show Himself strong and mighty in your life.
Insatiable -- A Christian's Perspective
Netflix recently released a trailer for their new tv show called Insatiable. The show is about a teenage girl who gets bullied because she is not as skinny as her classmates. Over the summer break she gets her jaw wired shut, so when she comes back to school she is the new “hot girl.” Wanting her classmates to feel as badly as she did when they bullied her, she goes out for revenge. This show has caused a lot of controversy with many people saying it’s harmful. And since the show’s target audience is teenagers, I thought I’d share how we as Christians can deal with these issues.
The whole premise of the show is that the main character, Patty, has no worth until she becomes skinny. First and foremost, we are God’s creation. He put you in the body that you are in for a reason, and He does not create ugliness. It is totally fine to want to eat healthier or exercise more, but skinny does not equal healthy. Healthy looks different for each person because there are so many different body types. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on his height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart’.”
Society has made everything about how our bodies. If you don’t look a certain way then you should feel ashamed of yourself. And that is absolutely ridiculous. God cares so much about your soul. He cares about how you are living and if you are striving to follow Him. Everything else fades away. Therefore, you should be most concerned with living for God not for fitting into society.
Patty has her jaw wired shut in the show. This gives the idea that starving yourself is okay as long as you lose weight. Coming from personal experience, it does not work. You will lose weight, but you will become obsessed with what you eat or what you don’t. It is not healthy. God says our bodies are a temple. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Your body, that God gave you, needs food. Choose healthy options, but do not deprive your body. Also, stop and think about what this verse says. You were bought with a price. Jesus paid the price by dying on the cross, which is extremely painful. So the next time you are thinking terrible thoughts about your body, remember that Jesus loves you so much that He suffered up on the cross for you.
When Patty is finally accepted by the cool kids, (which is a whole other issue) she decides to get revenge. Revenge is a noun or adjective which means to inflict pain or retaliation for real or perceived wrong doings. Revenge is personal and based on what someone did to you. God does not ever say he will get revenge on anyone. He uses the word avenge or vengeance. Avenge is a verb and it means to inflict punishment as an act of retributive justice. God will avenge and vengeance (which is the noun version of avenge), because He is just and he is the only one who can serve justice. “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” (Romans 12:19). We are humans, we’re not better than anyone else. Revenge is not an option. Forgiveness is. When people wrong us, revenge will only keep our pain fresh in our mind. When we forgive and start to let God help us move on, we honor Him, and stay off the path of bitterness.
Insatiable is not a good show, but it is a good conversation starter between Christians. I hope we as teenagers can continue sharing our identity in Christ with people who aren’t children of God. As you go through life this week, remember you are beautifully and wonderfully made, your body is a temple, and revenge is never an option.
New School Year
It’s a New Year
What do you mean summer is over? It can’t be! Is this some kind of joke? We just got out of school. I haven’t …. But, I wanted to… Each year at this time, teachers and students report back to school. They say goodbye to summertime adventures and begin a new adventure, a learning adventure. Back-to-school time is a time filled with so many mixed emotions.
Most parents are relieved to get the kids back in school. Their grocery bill may not be nearly as high as it has been; however, there’s that endless list of supplies that teachers want students to bring. Seriously, why does a teacher need each student to bring items like 8 glue sticks, 3 or 4 boxes of Kleenex, a box of Band-Aids, bottles of hand soap, ear buds, a stylus, or a package of sheet protectors. Oh, and yes, there is a reason why teachers ask for Ticonderoga pencils. These pencils last longer because of the type of wood they are made from.
Parents, as a former teacher, I would like to make some recommendations. First, before buying supplies, shop comparatively. There are some really good bargains out there if you’re willing to look. Second, if you can’t find something on your child’s list, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Third, if you are having financial problems that may limit what supplies you can buy, let your child’s teacher or school know. No student should have to go without the necessary supplies.
For the teacher, back to school means countless hours of preparation before anyone ever steps into the room. The room has to be organized and set up for the students to be able to come into the learning environment. Rooms usually are decorated in various themes. Books and supplies have to be labeled with students’ names. First day activities have to be planned so students are fully engaged throughout the entire day. Some teachers create introductory power points that help with the flow of the day. Sometimes, teachers wonder how they will ever get it all done. Ephesians 5:15 – 16a reminds us that we need to be careful how we use our time. Teachers, be wise and make the best use of your time.
Not all students have the same feelings about starting back to school. Heading back after summer break can be a time of excitement, anxiety and even a bit of sadness for students of all ages. The new school year is full of many unknowns and that can feel a little scary at first. In addition, saying goodbye to a summer of relaxation and fun isn’t exactly something most kids look forward to doing. As Winnie the Pooh says, “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”* Students, your new adventure awaits you! Get ready for some learning to take place!
Parents and teachers can help make students back-to-school experiences positive. Parents, encourage your children to do well. Write encouraging notes and stick them in a lunch box or a binder. Let them know that you believe in them. Pray for them daily as they head off to school, during the day, and as they return home.
Teachers, create a safe and positive classroom environment. Greet your students at the door with a smile showing them that you’re excited and happy to have them in your class. Have some getting acquainted activities for them to get to know you and other classmates. Always remember to pray for your students each and every day.
Parents, teachers, and students as you return to school, remember that “knowledge is like a lamp, and every new thing you learn makes the light brighter.” **
Always, always, always, remember that YOU are not alone in this adventure. God is right there beside you. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you WHEREVER you go.” He will give you the strength and guidance to persevere through the new year.
* and **
It's That Time of Year -- Back To School
Back to School
Well, it’s that time of year again! Stores are packed with parents scurrying around to get the best deals on schools supplies and clothes for the new school year. Families are squeezing in a last minute vacation before the kids head back to school. Teachers are busy preparing their classrooms trying to get everything ready for a new group of students. The big yellow limousines are getting inspected and prepped for picking up their precious cargo. School custodians are hustling to get the school buildings looking their best. It won’t be long now.
The first day is always full of excitement. Students are greeted at the front doors by various staff members. Students race to find their old friends, so they can share their summertime adventures. The office is full of parents enrolling students or students who forgot something at home or on the bus. Students’ backpacks are completely loaded down with classroom supplies that have to be turned in. Most students are zipping around the school trying to find their new classes. Then, there are those sweet elementary students who are new or scared, who need that extra attention. Suddenly, the sound of bells ringing can be heard. It must be time to get the day started.
Back-to-school is a period of new beginnings. It’s time to fill students’ hearts with excitement and faith as they get ready to face the new school year. New beginnings may include attending a new school, meeting new teachers and making new friends. The new year also brings with it the opportunity to get closer to God. Goals can be set for both personal and spiritual growth. Both teachers and students can see God at work in their lives in ways they’ve never seen or experienced before.
As I was looking for sample back-to-school prayers I came across this sweet prayer on Pinterest. It seems so simple; yet it is so powerful. Don’t just pray for the big things in their lives; remember the little things also.
Please keep our teachers and students in your prayers as they head back to their classrooms.
Pray for
- the new friendships that will be made.
- nerves to be calmed as students and teachers settle into the new schedules and classes.
- teachers as they seek to learn about their new students and how to encourage their learning.
- teachers as they establish rules and routines for the new year.
- school administrators as they kick off the new year.
- students and teachers who are new to their schools that they may feel welcomed.
Remember that knowledge is like a lamp, and every new thing you learn makes the light brighter.* Sooo … be ready to shine your light before others so that they can see Jesus in you when you head back to school.
Arrows Are Meant to Be Shot
One minute I’m married and in my career saying, “Who said I could become an adult? Why am I adulting?”
The next minute I’m holding a baby saying, “Whoa! Who decided I was equipped to be a parent?” Keep in mind, my babies are through adoption, so there was literally a person who said we could have a kid – BOTH TIMES. There were days I was wondering -- What in the world were they thinking when they handed me this kid!?
Next my daughter is driving a car becoming more independent, and this time next year she will be going off to college. My girlfriends will have to remind me of this blog, hand me a hanky, and wait for me to stop doing the ugly, snot-nosed cry when that time arrives.
For all my momma friends who struggle letting go or pushing their baby birds out of the nest. You can do this. You have prepared them for this. You have been a fierce advocate for them. You have been a fierce protector making sure they were healthy, learned good habits, loved Jesus, and many other things. Now it’s time for the release.
Psalm 127:4, Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
Katniss Everdeen, a character in the movie series Hunger Games, shot a Hoyt Buffalo Bow. Personally, I’d call it a long bow. I learned on a compound bow. BC (Before children), my husband taught me to shoot a compound bow. I had a stabilizer, arrows, bubble level, bow release wrist strap, quiver, and a brace for my left elbow because inevitably my elbow would turn in and would get popped. I pulled back 40 pounds of resistance in order to draw back the bow.
So you understand, the whole picture let’s go over the parts.
- Stabilizer absorbs vibrations when the bow is shot. It helps to reduce the shock to your hands.
- Bubble level is just that. It lets you know if you are aiming your bow level and helps to set the course of the arrow.
- Bow release wrist strap is worn around the wrist, goes down the hand, and clasps on the wire of the bow. This makes it easier to draw the bow back.
- Quiver is what holds the arrows.
- And we talked about the brace. It’s for my own protection.
Your children are your arrows. You are a warrior. You are fierce. Your children have caught you reading your Bible. They’ve heard you praying. They saw you fasting. They’ve seen you worship. They have watched you face hard times. You took them to church, VBS, choir tours and/or camps.
You are the warrior. You are the one who must load your arrow, your child with your hand into the bow because an arrow has a purpose and the purpose isn’t to stay in the quiver. An arrow’s purpose is to make an impact. An arrow goes the distance. An arrow is penetrating, and doesn’t this world need Christian arrows?
Our homes are our quivers, and thankfully, God is our stabilizer. He gives us the Bible as our bubble level, and He gives us girlfriends as the brace of our exposed arm. Girlfriends are there for our own protection. When we want to run after our babies, they are there to hold us back and talk us off the ledge.
Then there’s the resistance. Has your teen given you any resistance the last year while under your roof? CAN I GET A WITNESS? You are pulling back to release them, and they think they are already grown and have the answers. There’s the tension and the resistance.
We load our arrows into the bow. We are the ones who have to draw it back as we inhale. We hold the position until we have our mark in site, and we exhale as we release our arrows. They fly. The soar. They speed toward the target fulfilling their purpose.
There will be excitement as you watch them fly. They will move towards the purpose for which God has called them. This is what you as a warrior have been trained to do, and it is what you have trained your children to do.
Sometimes the arrow misses the mark. That’s okay. The warrior can collect and resend. Sometimes repairs have to be made on fins on the arrows, but the arrow will fly again. The arrow must fly or the arrow isn’t doing its job, its purpose.
And when they hit their mark, when they find their purpose, the warrior is stoked. You will once again be their cheerleader. You will be jumping up and down like a lunatic…or maybe that’s just me. I get excited when I see my kids make their mark and succeed. Their success looks different than anyone else’s on the face of the planet because it is God’s call on their lives using their strengths and gifts, so there’s no need to compare.
So, girlfriends, even though we may not like it, it is time to load the arrow into the bow, breathe deeply, exhale, and release them trusting God will reduce the shock and His word will direct their path. God’s got this, and He’s got them. So release.
Chow-Chow -- No, It's Not a Dog
Chow-chow. Have you heard of it? No, it’s not a dog! We’ve been discussing tomatoes. How does a dog even apply? Chow-chow in the south is a tomato relish. Many will put this relish on their peas, or at least that’s how my daddy eats it. In doing a little research into chow-chow, I discovered in Pennsylvania they make a sweet tomato relish. It’s like chow-chow but sweeter. I might like that.
We are down to the last two fruit of the spirit, and they are sweet ones. They aren’t always easy to come by, but when mastered the sweetness of the Spirit comes through and draws people to Christ.
TOMATO 8 – Meekness
I define meekness as gentleness with humility and submissiveness. This fruit is void of ALL PRIDE. The first time I identified meekness in anyone was when I looked at the life of my grandmother. Growing up during the Depression, her father abandoned her mom, her younger sister and herself to start another life up north. My grandmother, her sister and mother lived in doorways, squatted in abandon apartments, ate in soup kitchens, and when her mother had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized for the rest of her life, my grandmother and her sister were passed from one relative to another. If anyone had a right to be angry, bitter and depressed it was my grandmother, but she wasn’t. She was gentle, humble and submissive. She embodied meekness, and she did so while raising 3 hairy-legged, trouble-making boys with my grandfather. So you can see, why I love the word meekness. It doesn’t mean I am meek, but I had a great example.
So, why do Christians need meekness anyway? Galatians 6:1 says we can restore the wayward in meekness. James 1:21 says we receive the engrafted word in meekness – grafting is what you do when you add a branch to the vine. Grafting makes a branch that was once disconnected now connected to a life-giving source in the vine. Think of it as a way of restoration. 2 Timothy 2:25 In meekness instruct those who oppose – If you are bowed up in pride are people more receptive to you? NO. It’s a turn off, but if you go in meekness, people may be more receptive.
Meekness opens the door to commune with God and to draw others to God. There can be no pride when communing with the Spirit because pride is a sin. We have to put our ego and pride aside if we want intimacy with the Spirit and if we want to lead others to Christ.
TOMATO 9 – Temperance
What in the world is temperance? Sounds like an old-fashion, southern woman’s name, and actually if the southern woman is a steel magnolia they probably need more temperance than most. Temperance is self-control. Some southern women I know need temperance especially over their tongues.
2 Peter 1:5-8 But also for this reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and about, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There aren’t many verses which use this Greek word for self-control. Maybe because behaviors exhibited in self-control are addressed separately like dealing with anger and the words we spew. I’ve heard people say about their anger, That’s just the way I am or I’ve always been this way. Then what you are telling me is you are refusing to submit to the Holy Spirit. You are refusing to be meek. You are refusing to crucify your fleshly ego and pride. You are not filled with the Spirit because the Spirit-filled believer has the power of the Spirit to enable him to master his passions (
Truthfully if you look at the complete list of the fruit of the Spirit, if you have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness, there is absolutely no reason why you would lack self-control. If you love someone who is different than you, self-control is needed to know when to speak and what to speak. If you have joy, there’s a time and a place to shout for joy, and there’s a time not to shout for joy like funerals. If you have peace, means you aren’t in turmoil and reacting to every stimuli. If you are longsuffering, gentle, and good, it means your pride takes a backseat to serving and loving others the way Christ loves us. If you have faith and are meek, there would be no need to lose control because you know who is in control. So if you don’t have control over your anger, your impulsive actions or your mouth, then you probably don’t have the other fruit either.
The last part of the verse reads, against such there is no law. The last blog will address the law and the fruit. God revealed something very poignant to me on this. Hope you will come back for one more post.
When Life Hands You Tomatoes Make Salsa
- 1 c finely chopped, peeled tomato
- ½ c tomato sauce
- 1-4oz can diced green chili peppers, drained
- ¼ c sliced green onion
- ¼ finely chopped green pepper
- 1 to 2 TBSP snipped cilantro or parsley
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- Several dashes bottled hot pepper sauce (optional)
In a mixing bowl combine tomato; tomato sauce; chili peppers; green onion; green pepper; cilantro or parsley, lemon juice; garlic; hot pepper sauce if desired, and 1/8 tsp pepper. Place about half of the tomato mixture in a blender container or food processor bowl. Cover and blend or process till smooth. Stir in remaining tomato mixture. Cover and chill at least 4 hours before serving, stirring occasionally. Store in refrigerator up to 1 week.
Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book Pg 368
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Everyone has heard that saying. I’d like to add one along the same theme. When life hands you tomatoes, make salsa. As I’ve written before, my husband once planted 20 tomato plants. They were beginning to rot because we had given them to all of our coworkers, neighbors and people in our small group at church, so my husband decided to make salsa. We had so many jars of the best salsa we decided to give them away as Christmas presents. Homemade goodies are the best gifts in my personal opinion. My mouth is watering for some good chips and salsa right now.
TOMATO 6 – Goodness
If you could can or put goodness in a jar and give it to everyone you come into contact with, wouldn’t you? Goodness is the generous fruit of the Spirit. It comes from an upright way of life and heart. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s God’s goodness IN us and work of faith WITH power not WITHOUT power, so Jesus will be glorified in us. Goodness is what you give away, and you can give it away because the Spirit generously provides it to you. You never run out. There's an ample supply.
But before you can put some fruit in a jar, sometimes you have to process the fruit. In order to make salsa, the tomatoes have to be chopped and peeled and blended and mixed with other ingredients like onions, garlic and cilantro. This next tomato/fruit we are going to study may make you will feel pressed on every side, and you may even feel like things are being added to your life and you don’t understand why. This fruit grows on the experience.
TOMATO 7 – Faith
There is a difference in believing in God and having faith in God. Faith results when your belief has been tested. If you have never been tried and have persevered under the hardest of circumstances in which Jesus Christ alone could have delivered you, then what you have is a belief not faith.
I can have faith in God because when I struggled with fertility during my bout of depression, He never left me. He delivered me. He brought me out of the darkness into the light and put me on the path to finding the baby He had chosen for us. I have endured in a marriage for over a decade to a man who would mock me at times for my faith, but praise God, my marriage hit rock bottom and God performed a heart transplant on my husband, and he was saved. When my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer with lymphatic involvement, He showed me His presence in addressing my fears. I write these things not to brag because I promise you I was broken in each of those instances. I write these things because God proved Himself trustworthy and reliable. I know that whatever comes my way, and we have been bombarded this year with all sorts of enemies and battles…I know whatever comes my way God has gone before me. He hems me in from the front and back. He leads me and is my Rear Guard. He never leads me nor forsakes me.
Faith is a tested conviction or truth in Jesus Christ, God our Father and the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Faith is the sense for the unseen world of faith like sight is for the physical world. Faith goes beyond reason. Faith goes beyond what you can physically do for yourself. Faith has SUBSTANCE. That substance results in your testimony. Can you testify to anything God has done recently for you? Then testify!
Rotten Tomatoes -- Ranking Bad Fruit
In the last blog on the fruit of the Spirit, we covered tomatoes 1 and 2 – Love and Joy. Today’s blog we look at 3 tomatoes – peace, longsuffering, and gentleness. There isn’t a rotten tomato in the bunch. Have you seen the ROTTEN TOMATO ranking? They rank how terrible a movie or tv show is by the number of rotten tomatoes assigned. While this list has some difficult fruit none are rotten, and if you attempt to grow them yourself the result will not last. With the Spirit, we know all things are possible.
I read somewhere two of the most popular names for girls when the church was beginning in Acts were the Greek names Chara (Cara) and Eirene (Irene). The English form of those names are Joy and Peace respectively. I love that, don’t you? New Christians being persecuted chose to name their baby girls Joy and Peace. How can you have joy and peace when you are being persecuted for your belief? For one, be Spirit-filled like the new believers. Some had experienced Pentecost. Some had heard from those who witness Pentecost first hand. When people spoke about their faith, there was passion.
So are you ready to slice up some peace, longsuffering and gentleness tomatoes?
TOMATO 3 -- Peace
The older I get or should I say the more mature I become the more I crave peace…actually peace and quiet. It’s a rarity in a house with a senior in high school and an ADHD teenage son who will be blessed to make 14 at the end of August. Plus, add 2 dogs and a husband, and the only way there is peace and quiet is if they have left the house or they are all asleep. Can anyone relate?
And while I may not get peace AND quiet, I can still have peace and be at peace even when the kids are arguing, dogs are barking and my husband can’t find his wallet or phone. So what is peace? The Greek is Eirene, sounds like serene to me. Peace is tranquility with security. Tranquility WITH security in Christ.
Where joy is the loudest fruit of the Spirit, peace is actually described more as a way or a path. It’s a way of life. Luke 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Romans 3:17 And the way of peace they have not known. Galatians 6:16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon Israel of God.
A pathway of peace means it’s a lifestyle practiced every day. My favorite verse regarding peace is 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. God does not intend for our life to be ruled by confusion but by the peace that the Spirit gives. How peaceful is your walk?
Tomato 4 -- Longsuffering
The next tomato really doesn’t have a lot of content. It’s longsuffering. Some people think longsuffering is patience, and they would be partially correct. Longsuffering is patience in the face of conflict or an adversary. Let that sink in for a moment…Patience in the face of conflict or an adversary.
The word patience has a different Greek word than longsuffering. 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be in season in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. When should you be longsuffering? In season and out of season…are there any other seasons? And when is longsuffering to be displayed – when reproving, rebuking and exhorting. Does this sound like a verse you might know? What is the Word of God good for? 2 Timothy 3:16-17. You can't be longsuffering without the Word of God.
If there is ever a time you do NOT need to be acting or speaking in the flesh, it’s when you are reproving and rebuking someone. The words that come out of your mouth need to be the ones the Spirit puts there. Otherwise, you can do terrible harm, and the goal is to return the wayward Christian to a right relationship with God. Longsuffering should lead to restoration.
Truth is, you shouldn’t be butting your nose into everyone’s business either. You should address the things the Spirit leads you to address. If you’re a busybody, you are part of the problem because you are also a gossiper and have no useful function within the body of believers. Cut it out!
TOMATO 5 - Gentleness.
When you think of gentleness, what physical picture comes to mind? Maybe the way a mom holds a newborn? Maybe the way you hold something delicate? And while those are great pictures of the word gentleness, in Scripture it means moral goodness with integrity or moral excellence.
Romans 2:4 Or despises thou the riches of his goodness and forebearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? Being in the presence of God’s moral excellence, His gentleness is what causes us to repent. In Isaiah 6:1-5, Isaiah is in the presence of God Almighty with 6 seraphim singing Holy, holy, holy. Their singing was so loud it shook the doorframe. The beauty Isaiah saw and the worship he experienced and the gentleness of God led him to repent.
God’s example of gentleness is to be what you display as well. This fruit draws people to God, convicts, restores and can lead them to salvation, and isn’t that the ultimate goal of the Spirit working in us is that others may see Christ in you? Don’t you want those around us to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Then it’s time to let the Spirit do His work and produce fruit in your life.
Fried Green Tomatoes -- Love and Joy
Fried Green Tomatoes is another favorite movie of mine.
Slice tomatoes about ¼ inch thick, season with salt and pepper and then coat both sides with cornmeal. In a large skillet, heat enough bacon drippings to coat the bottom of a pan and fry tomatoes until lightly browned on both sides. You’ll think you died and gone to heaven! Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café pg 403
In the recent Facebook post, we made a comparison between the fruit of the Spirit and tomatoes. If you didn’t read that one, you might think it a far stretch, but in truth, it really isn’t. Check out last Saturday's Facebook post for clarification.
In the fruit of the Spirit, tomatoes 1 and 2 would be love and joy. I have to say these are some of my favorite words. As a matter of fact, in my Bible any time I see the word love or heart I draw a heart on top of the word, and when I read the word joy I write joy in my margin. So how about we slice up these 2 tomatoes and see what we can learn?
Agape’ love first makes its appearance in the Bible in Song of Solomon. I love this book. It is the best love story you will ever read. It’s a love story between a man and a woman, and it is a picture of how Christ loves the church. So agape’ should be present in Song of Solomon.
“Agape’ love is not emotional love but love that springs from character. God loves us with His character even in the face of our sin.” John 15:12-13, Romans 5:8, 1 John 3:16-17 ( When you think of agape, think about this verse, John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
How did Jesus prove His love for you? He died for you on a rugged cross in a humiliating criminal death. That is how far and how wide and how deep our love should be for one another. And 1 John 4:8 says clearly He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. Are you loving the people God puts in your life? Are you loving people with the love Christ has shown you?
And just for the record, the fruit of the Spirit isn’t like the gifts of the Spirit where the Spirit assigns certain gifts to people. The fruit of the Spirit is something all Spirit-filled Christians have. The Spirit gives all of them to believers, so if you aren’t loving like Christ, then you probably aren’t living in the Spirit or you aren’t saved. Spirit-filled Christians can love others regardless of issues, regardless of life choices, regardless of different beliefs. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things – 1 Corinthians 13:7. If you have a hang up about loving someone, better take it to the cross and nail it up because there’s not room for it in the fruit. That kind of thing will be pruned.
Loving people in this sinful, fallen world is hard, and it’s easy to get hurt. That is why it’s important to walk in the Spirit.
JOY! Did you know joy has a sound? It’s the only fruit I found to have sound. Shout for joy! Isaiah 49:13, Psalms 5:11. Woohoo! When I think of joy, this is what I want to experience, but this joy is not based on external things. Nooooo.
As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us to count it all joy when you fall into various trials – James 1:2-6. Who wants to endure trials? Nobody. And yet as Christians we are to endure trials with joy. WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE HAVE JOY IN TRIALS?
Joy is a character quality produced by the Holy Spirit that has a sense of wellbeing knowing that all is well in God’s sovereign purpose in our lives.
We can know whatever trial we are going through God is going to handle it. He’s gone ahead of us. He hems us in from the front and back, and whatever trial comes our way has passed through His hands. Nothing can happen to us as His children unless He allows.
Scripture tells us trials will test our faith (another fruit of the Spirit) and will produce patience. Patience enduring a season of testing is called longsuffering.
Let’s look at it another way. If you have hatred in your heart for anyone, you really can’t have joy. The sin of hate, the energy it take to despise someone does not produce joy. You can’t experience the fruit of the Spirit if you are working in the flesh.
Remember the fruit of the Spirit comes from one Vine, and what is dead or non-producing will be pruned or cut off and burned. You either have the fruit, or you are walking in the flesh. Might I recommend slicing up and partaking of the fruit of the Spirit, it’s much sweeter.
The Royal Wedding
Did you get up early and watch the wedding between Meghan Markel and Prince Harry? Have to admit, I did not. I watched Prince William and Kate’s wedding, but for whatever reason, I just could not drag my body out of the bed that early nor did I have the inclination to record it to watch later. I did however study the photographs. I love looking at the clothes and the hats the women wear to such events. The picture that struck me the most was the one of Meghan’s mom sitting by herself. Such a classy looking lady. I read somewhere she’s yoga instructor, so the clothes for the royal wedding wasn’t something she went and found hanging in her closet.
As a matter of fact, everyone there had a special outfit for this event. Amal matched her husband George Clooney. Oprah had her dress made the day before or something crazy like that.
Not one person who was allowed into the wedding looked like they had slept in their clothes much less lived in them for a week or more. Everyone put on their finest. Bought the finest they could afford just to attend, and just because someone could afford the finest clothes didn’t mean they were invited. Did you see what they held in their hands? An invitation. How did they score that?!
Each invited guest had a relationship with either the bride or the groom whether it was friend or family.
If you did not have an invitation or your name was not on the list, you were not permitted in.
If you looked like you had been living in your clothes for a week or a month, you were not permitted entrance.
Respect? The occasion? The location? The people who were being married?
If this was all done for a young man who will most likely never be king, then why would you expect the King of Kings to do anything less?
Matthew 22:11-14 But when the king came in to view the guests he saw a man there who was not dressed for a wedding. So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him up hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. ‘For many are invited, but few are chosen.’
All of the others who were attending the wedding had been changed into wedding attire, but this man refused. He may have been invited, but he had not accepted the royal attire and was thrown out. He would never be allowed back into the wedding party again.
The one who entered the party in his rags may have attempted to behave and look like the other wedding goers, but he wasn’t like them at all.
When the King saw the man in rags, he saw the filth which is sin. The other attendees were clothed in the righteousness of God. When the King looked at them, He saw Jesus.
We all come to God in filthy garments because none of us are righteous (Romans 3:10-12), but when we come to the Father, He removes the sin, the filth, the rags, and redresses us in His likeness, in the blood of Jesus.
The man in rags made his choice. He chose NOT to allow the King to change him from his filthy rags. He chose not to accept a new life in Jesus, and because he didn’t choose Jesus, he was kicked out of the wedding party to a place where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
So the questions are:
Are your garments white as snow?
Have you accepted the invitation to be part of the bridegroom of Jesus Christ?
Are you ready to lay down the rags of your sin, shame and guilt, and allow the King to clothe you in His splendor?
And if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, are you living your life every day as if you are clothed in the splendor of Christ?
There are consequences of not choosing Christ in this life. There is a real place called hell that was created for Satan and his followers, and if you choose not to accept Christ’s invitation, allow Him to enter your heart and redress you and your life, then you are choosing the other by default.
Life is too short to live it in filthy rags.
Is Being Different Wrong?
Is Being Different Wrong?
Suppose a man comes into your (church) wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? James 2:2-4
Recently, Keslee, a friend of mine, took her daughter, Lilly, to a nail salon so they could get their nails done. The nail tech working with Lilly kept telling her to hold her hand a certain way. Well, Lilly had a difficult time because of a physical handicap. Instead of working with Lilly, the nail tech got upset, yelled at her, and said she couldn’t work with her because Lilly couldn’t hold her hand the “right way.” Lilly started crying so Keslee took her to the car, and they left. Lilly asked Keslee, “Mom, am I handicapped?” Keslee explained that handicapped simply meant not being able to do something as well as someone else. She then told Lilly that actually everyone is handicapped. We ALL have things we can’t do as well as others.
There is no greater disability in society
than the inability to see a person as more.
- Robert M. Hensel
We’re all created unique and special. The Potter, God, makes us all perfect, having our own uniqueness. Isaiah 64:8 tells us
Yet you, Lord are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
None of us are the same – not even identical twins. We all have our own special features, personalities, and traits. Physical features include gender, race, eye or hair color, body structure, height or weight, fingerprints, and hand dominance. Some people may have physical handicaps like Lilly that make them different. We all have different mental abilities. Is being different wrong?
Personality traits make us different. These traits reflect one’s characteristic thought patterns, feelings, and even behaviors. You have people who are very outgoing and like to talk to others. These are the ones who never seem to meet a stranger. Others are more passive and prefer to stay in the background or to themselves. You have the creative people who are always busy creating new ideas. Others may be involved with cooking, sports, music, writing, or other hobbies. We may prefer to do different things or act differently in situations. Does that make us wrong?
Is it wrong to be different? Do you always have to agree with others? Why do others treat you differently if you aren’t like them? Don’t they realize that no two people are the same!
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, Neither slave nor free, Nor is there male and female, for YOU ARE ALL ONE in Christ Jesus.
- Galatians 3:28
Many people today are being treated differently because of their religious beliefs. Christians are being ridiculed and even killed because of what they believe. Some become outcasts in their own world. I haven’t been asked to be in groups or go to parties because I didn’t fit in. A former student, Cassidy, and my niece, Kaci, have been treated differently because they were firm in their faith. They both weren’t afraid to stand up for what they believed. They weren’t afraid to be different than others in the crowd, even if it meant they lost friends. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.
Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds.
- God made each of us uniquely different.
- He has a plan and purpose for us.
- We are each an individual member of the body of Christ.
- Each of us is a masterpiece created by the wonderful Potter, God.
Is being different wrong? Not in God’s eyes, because He loves us. Romans 2:11 says, “For God does not show favoritism.” Being different is what makes us who we are. Do not underestimate yourself by comparing yourself with others. It’s our differences that make us unique and beautiful.
Be proud of who you are! As God’s masterpiece, you have been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
TIME TO GROW by Vicki Baker
SA Time to Grow
Ahh, can you smell it? Summertime is in the air. Such a beautiful time of the year! Things are changing all around us. Dark, dull gray colors of winter have been transformed into crisp, new green and bright, vivid colors of springtime. Baby animals are being welcomed into the world. Flowers and plants have come alive. The time has come to plant our gardens.
Have you ever really looked at a seed and wondered how such a small, fragile thing can make such a distinct transformation? What about that nervous, new Christian? Where did that other person go? That fragile little seed is similar to that new Christian. They both are transformed into something totally amazing! In order for such a transformation to be complete, they both need some help from five elements.
1. LIGHT They both need some type of light source to help them develop into beautiful mature beings. Seeds need energy from sunlight to help them grow. The sunlight shows the seeds which direction they need to grow. Christians also need “Son”light to help lead them in the right direction. Psalm 119:105 tells us that this “Son” light guides us along life’s path.
2. WATER Seeds must be watered regularly. The seeds absorb the water and store it within their seed coats. If they don’t get enough, they dry up and die. Too much water will drown them. Christians need water too in order to survive both physically and spiritually. Our bodies need water physically to keep us hydrated. John 4:14 says, “but whoever drinks the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Christians are baptized and are given living water that satisfies their eternal thirst.
3. SOIL Soil is a seed’s foundation which supplies it with all the nutrients it needs to grow into a healthy plant. Ephesians 2:19-20 explains that a Christian’s “soil” is a spiritual foundation. It’s built on the foundation of apostles and prophets and has Christ as the chief cornerstone.
In Matthew 13:1-23, Jesus talks about the Parable of the Soils (Parable of the Sower). It talks about seeds being planted in four different types of soils. The seeds do not grow in the first three soils. The fourth soil was different. The seed takes root and transforms into a fruit-bearing plant.
The Sower is God and the seed represents the Word of God. The different soils represent different types of people and how they respond to the Gospel. The hard soil represents people whose heart is hardened and show no interest in the Gospel. The rocky or stony soil is someone who is aware of the Gospel but doesn’t have faith strong enough to stand. The thorny soil is a person who has received the Gospel but has too many idols or distractions to stay focused on the truth of God’s Word. The good soil is someone who hears the Gospel. They allow it to take root and grow within their lives. This person bears good fruit – thus, representing true salvation.
4. TIME A seed needs time to grow into a mature plant that can be cultivated and harvested. Being a Christian takes time also. A new Christian needs time to grow and mature just like the seed. All Christians need time to study God’s Word and to develop an intimate relationship with God. They need time to meet and fellowship with other Christians.
5. TEMPERATURE Temperature has a physical effect on seeds and plants. If it’s too hot, the seed may not get enough water to help it grow. If it’s too cold, it can delay the germination of the seeds and they will stay dormant. Christians are affected by temperature differently. They are affected spiritually. When a Christian becomes lukewarm or even cold, they may turn away from God instead of getting closer to Him.
Christians can be alive but not growing like seeds. They may be in a dormant state, having grown spiritually cold. Although they have the Spirit within them, no one can actually tell it from the outside. Christians may not have made Christ the Lord of their lives or allowed the Holy Spirit to have control of their lives. Some Christians may have little or no desire, to study God’s Word or even pray. Their lives become barren and bear no leaves, flowers, or fruits. There is NO evidence that they are even alive.
It’s never too late to have a personal relationship with Christ. You can plant your SEED foundation and allow it to grow.
SEEK a relationship with Christ
EXPLORE what God can offer you
EXPERIENCE wonderful agape love from God himself
DEVELOP that intimate relationship with Christ.
Your SEED has been planted, now watch as the Sower (God) transforms it into something beautiful.
The Struggle Is Real...and It Ain't Pretty
So 2018 has not been the easiest year for me and my family, and I know there are some of you who could say exactly the same thing whether it’s financial issues, health problems, marital concerns, business closures, challenging kids, job loss, new ventures or difficult relationships. We are struggling, and I don’t know about you, but it’s not always pretty when I struggle. As a matter of fact, it can get downright ugly.
Sometimes I wrestle with my flesh.
Sometimes I may worry.
Sometimes I doubt. I’m being completely transparent with you.
And sometimes God has to teach me a lesson more than once. I can be a little hard-headed at times.
There is a good thing that comes from the struggle – GROWTH. The greatest opportunity we have to grow is during the struggle or as a result of the struggle.
We struggle when we are outside our comfort zone.
We struggle when we aren’t in “control.”
We struggle when there is uncertainty.
We struggle when change is involved.
We struggle when we have to learn a new way of doing something.
Am I the only one who deals with these?
I want to tell you there is good news for those who are struggling.
1. You are not alone. We all struggle from time to time in our lives. It doesn’t mean you are a weak Christian. It doesn’t mean you are a failure. It means you are a flawed human being with weaknesses, but our Lord and Savior loves you and never leaves us or forsakes us.
2. God may repeat His instructions to you more than once. In Acts 10, God tells Peter to rise, kill and eat the animals that had been lowered on a sheet from heaven. Peter says he has never eaten anything common or unclean and tells God “no.” Anyone ever tell God ‘no’? Yea, me neither. God tells Peter three times and then the sheet disappears.
3. You will have the opportunity to practice your faith and incorporate the lesson you have learned. In Acts 10, Peter comes out of the trance, and the Spirit tells him men are coming to see him and for Peter to go with no doubt.
a. Anytime the Spirit leads, you can have the confidence to go WITH NO DOUBT.
b. Lessons in faith require action. Rise up. Go. Implement. Peter is supposed to leave with the Gentiles. He not only goes with the Gentiles but he enters their home, dines with them and stays with them. This is where Peter is putting to practice the lesson he was struggling to learn. You see, Gentiles were considered unclean and common by the Jews. Peter was raised to think this way, to believe this way.
God was pushing Peter outside his comfort zone, outside what he had been taught as truth, and outside societal norms.
4. Other people are watching, and you will have the opportunity to testify and when you do, give God the glory.
Peter got to experience the first Gentiles receiving the Spirit. How powerful and overwhelming that must have been.
5. There may be nay-sayers, and if there are nay-sayers to your lesson in faith, give your testimony and conclude with, “who was I that I could withstand God?” Acts 11:17. That was Peter’s response to the Jews in Jerusalem who questioned Peter’s interactions with the Gentiles.
So what are you struggling with right now? Take time and write down everything you are struggling with in detail. I find this so incredibly helpful.
Have you or are you in God’s Word? Are you meditating and studying? Are you praying? If so, write down where the Spirit has you studying. Write down your prayers regarding the struggle.
What is the Spirit prompting you to do? Have you done it yet? If not, why not? If He is prompting you to do something, write it down and share it with someone. Being accountable to someone who is a growing Christian is necessary some times.
What happens when you follow the Spirit with no doubt? Write down what happened. It’s going to be amazing. Keep journaling all the way through the struggle. Journal all the way until you are able to testify and give God the glory. Share the journey because you never know who needs to hear it.
As they say, The struggle is real, man. But God is bigger than any struggle we will face. Just have faith.
When Mother's Day Hurts
When Mother’s Day Hurts
“Happy Mother’s Day!” We would like to think that all mothers feel happy and loved on Mother’s Day, but the truth is that Mother’s Day is painful for many women. If you are one of these women, you may tend to hide and possibly even pretend that you are handling it just fine, or you may try to ignore Mother’s Day altogether. Does this describe you? If it does, please keep reading and allow this blog to encourage you.
Some of the most overlooked mothers are those whose relationship with their child or children is either strained or nonexistent. One of my clients recently told me through tears that her son is in jail, and that jail is the best place for him right now. Another mother told me that four of her five children have made poor life choices and no longer speak to her. Still others tell me that they have a hard time being in the same room with their children because they argue. If this is you, please remember this: God loves you. He wants to heal your heart. Psalm 120:1 says “I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me.” Call on Him. Pour out your heart to Him. He loves you so very much! You are not alone. God sees you.
Other mothers who burden my heart are those whose heart is heavy for their child. Some of them have a child whose future is uncertain due to illness, military service, or maybe fragile mental health. My dad shares a memory from his younger years when his brother was drafted for the Vietnam War. While his brother was in Vietnam, my grandmother was understandably anxious and worried for his safety. My dad recalls seeing my grandmother standing in front of his brother’s closet singing this old hymn in prayer, “Have faith in God. He’s on His throne. Have faith in God. He watches o’er His own! He will not fail. He will prevail! Have faith in God! Have faith in God!” What faith and courage! If this is you, please remember this: God loves you. He wants to calm your anxious heart. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” Call on Him. He loves you and wants to wrap His arms around you. You are not alone. He sees you.
At this time of year, women who struggle are those who so want to be a mother, but have not yet been given a chance at motherhood. Infertility is a heart-wrenching experience. Test after test, fertility treatment after fertility treatment, and the silent phone while you wait for a call from the adoption agency can all leave you emotionally, physically, and spiritually discouraged and depressed. Often, this issue is not even discussed, because the pain is too great and personal. This leads to isolation and, sometimes, depression. Is this you? Can I offer this word of encouragement to you from Psalm 3:3-5? “But You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One Who lifts up my head. I cry aloud to the Lord, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.” His arms are so much bigger than your hurt. Let Him carry you. He sees you.
One other group of mothers whose circumstance crushes my heart is the one whose children are no longer on this earth whether it be through miscarriage, illness, suicide, or homicide. Mothers in this group frequently feel alone not only due to the circumstance but because the rest of us just do not know what to say to them or how to be with them. We shy away because we would rather say nothing than to say the wrong thing when, really, these mommas really just need to know that we care and are willing to just sit and be with them. There is a quote by Maya Angelou that says, “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” If you are one of these mothers, please remember this promise in Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” You may feel like your heart is absolutely being ripped out of your chest and that you are unable to breathe at times. When these times come, please remember that you are never ever alone. Even when there is not another human around you, God is your “very present help in time of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). He sees you.
Whether you fall into one of these categories or others, please know that you are loved and that God cares so much about your pain that He sent the Holy Spirit who “joins to help in our weakness…(and) intercedes for us with unspoken groanings” (Romans 8:26). If you need to talk to someone, please talk to a trusted loved one, minister, member of the Girlfriend Ministry, or a professional counselor. Above all, please remember that you are not alone. God loves you, and He sees you.
Doubting God
I’m going to be completely honest with you. I have been doubting God a lot lately. Not doubting like “does He exist,” but doubting like “is God listening to me, and if He is the one true God, how come I do not know the answers to my prayers. Why is God keeping things from me? From us?” And in these moments of doubt and questioning I’ll look up and see something that amazes me.
For instance, last week I was doubting if God was going to answer my prayer about what He wanted me to do with my future, when I looked out my window and saw that my entire front yard was filled with flowers. It made me realize just how amazing God is. See, as humans, I think we often try to understand God with our tiny little brains. When God is so much bigger than that.
We are human. We are not going to understand everything. When you were a child, your mom told you to not touch the hot stove. As a child with a childlike brain, you may have not understood why she wouldn’t let you touch the hot stove. You may have thought that she was holding you back from something fun, or (if you were overdramatic like me) you may have thought that she didn’t love you.
God is kinda the same. He is our parent, and we can’t always see things in our life that would hurt us. So when God doesn’t immediately answer your prayer, He hasn’t left you (though it may feel like it). He’s protecting you or making you wait for something even better. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” - Deuteronomy 31:8 Even when it feels like God is nowhere to be found, He is right here beside you. He has a reason for making us wait for his guidance, He is not a cruel God.
This is where God’s creation comes in. I think especially if you haven’t heard the Holy Spirit in a while, it can be easy to start doubting if He’s there and if He is actually God. In those moments of feeling all alone, look around. You’ll begin to see flowers, stars, trees, people, animals, all the amazing things God created. This is God’s way of showing us that He is with us. Through His creation we begin to remember God is truly bigger than all of our problems and our fears and our doubt. “The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of mankind.” -Job 12:10. That Bible verse really puts our lives into perspective.
So while this blog wasn’t as long, and it may not have made any sense, I hope you’ll remember this week, God is bigger than doubt. He will never ever leave us or forsake us, and He continuously shows Himself through His creation.
Do You Read the Warnings Attached to the Items You Buy?
Have you ever read any of the warning labels attached to the items you purchase? They are CRAZY! But you KNOW in order for that label to be on there, some person has done it at least once.
I read the warning on a hairspray bottle and part of it reads, “Do not spray on an open flame…”I can tell you right now who this is written for. It’s written for boys and men who haven’t quite grown up. LOL “Avoid spraying in eyes.” Who would purposely spray their eyes with hairspray?
When I was in high school, my family took a trip to Colorado. We turned on a road with a sign that read, “Travel at your own risk.” What did we do? We took it! That’s a whole different story.
There is one warning label that I’m confident most of you have never read or have read and ignored. Do you know which one that is?
And I quote, “Do not insert swab into ear canal. Entering the ear canal could cause injury. If used to clean ears, stroke swab gently around the outer surface of the ear only.”
Some of you are living life on the dangerous side cleaning the ear canal with Q-tips. My question is, what are Q-tips used for if not for cleaning the ear canal?!
If you ignore a warning label, is it the fault of the manufacturer if you are injured as a result of your own stupidity? They told you not to. You chose to go against their advice. You deserve what you get.
In Deuteronomy 6:10-12, there’s a warning that is just as applicable today as it was when it was given. The Lord was going to be giving the children of Israel the Promised Land. He was going to give them large and beautiful cities they did not build, houses full of all good things which they did not fill, hewn-out wells they did not dig, vineyards and olive trees they didn’t plant.
Have any of you physically built the cities you live in?
Have any of you cut down the lumber, mixed the cement, and built your own home?
Have any of you grown all of your own food including the meat you eat?
Have any of you dug wells in your yard for water?
Just checking to make sure this is relevant for you…
Because now comes the warning.
“Beware lest you forget the Lord…” (Deut 6:12a)
Self-sufficiency. We think we can handle this ourselves. We think we worked to earn the money to buy this or do that, when in fact it is the Lord who gives us the ability and the strengths we possess. It is the Lord who puts each and every breath in our lungs. It is the Lord.
In one phone call or e-mail, you can lose your job, income, health benefits and retirement.
In one phone call or e-mail, you can suddenly be thrust into a health crisis.
In one phone call or e-mail, your finances can be in total ruins.
So how do we heed the warning? How do we not forget the Lord?
Deuteronomy 6:5-8, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
1. Your focus whether you are sitting, walking, lying down or getting up is God’s Word.
2. Write down the Scripture. Put it where you can see it. Put it on the screen of your phone or computer. Use vinyl to put it on the walls of your home. I’m thinking about putting the verse about not complaining in my kids’ bathroom.
3. Talk about the Scripture. I’ve quoted Scripture in business meetings. If they aren’t Christians, they may not know it, but it’s in there.
4. Start a gratitude journal. On our way to school in the mornings, part of my prayer is thanking God for running water in our home, flushing toilets, air conditioning, separate bathrooms and bedrooms, etc.
Where there’s a warning there are consequences. If you don’t love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength, what happens? You are walking through life without Him. You are doing life in your own strength. That’s exhausting, speaking from personal experience. And the things that follow from living outside God’s will are too numerous to write in a blog.
So my question to you is, “Will you heed the warning?”
One last thing, did you know that if you use a Q-tip in your inner ear, you are actually pushing the wax down further into the ear and packing it in? You can cause loss of hearing if the wax becomes too impacted. How about that for a consequence? I bet you didn’t know that, did you?
That’s the thing with consequences. You don’t always know the ramifications for ignoring a warning until it’s too late. Choose wisely.
If God Can Talk through a Donkey, He Can Talk through You
He can talk through you.
When I was growing up, my sister and I would spend one to two weeks in Longstreet, Louisiana, with our grandparents. There was family next door, so we would play with my cousin Brenda and try to fill the long days of summer because there wasn’t cable and nothing indoors to keep us occupied. One of the things we would do was to go into the back pasture and find Pete. Pete was granddaddy’s donkey. We would get my sister situated on his back because she was the youngest and then Brenda and I would run from behind, plant our hands on his haunches and land on his back.
When you think of a stubborn donkey, what you imagined would be Pete. Occasionally he would take off on a trot, but that was rare occurrence. Most of the time, he would take us into a three-sided shed and go to the back wall and just stop. One time he intentionally ran our legs against the wall of the shed. We were just an annoyance to him I’m sure.
Whenever I read the story of Balak and Balaam, I always think of ole Pete. I also picture Don Knotts or Tim Conway playing the role of Balaam. It really is a funny story in the Bible. If you have any sense of humor at all, read Numbers 22 – 24, and in chapter 22 picture Don Knotts or Tim Conway on the donkey. If you’ve ever seen the movie the Apple Dumpling Gang this shouldn’t be difficult to imagine because they ride a donkey named Clarice. Hilarious!
Regardless of how much I laugh when I read this story, I learn something new every time, so indulge me while I share what I learned this time. And by the way, if you teach kids stories in the Bible when you teach this one, make it as funny and as interesting as it is, please!
Things I noticed during my reading:
1. Instead of looking for an amicable solution, the king immediately sought counsel from the wicked in order to assure a sound defeat against the Israelites. Since he had heard about the Israelites, sure he had also heard about their God, Yahweh. Given this information, why didn’t he attempt to work things out amicably? What this tells me is that just because people see God working mightily in your life, does NOT mean they are always going to be drawn to God. As a matter of fact, Balak went to the enemy of God.
2. Words have power so be careful of the words you speak. Balak knew that whatever and whoever Balaam bless, they would be blessed, and if he cursed them, they would be cursed. What do your words tell others about you?
3. People will often place their trust in those who appear to make things happen. Balak placed his trust in Balaam because he believed Balaam had the power to curse and bless. Balaam had the power to make things happen. Balak’s trust was misplaced. Be careful who you follow or turn to for authority and power.
4. God can use the wicked. Balaam was a prophet of Baal, and yet God used Balaam to bless the Israelites instead of curse them as Balak desired. There’s nothing too big, too hard or too difficult for God, especially when it involves dealing with the enemies of His children. BAM!
5. If God can speak through a donkey, He can certainly use you and me. If God gives you a word to speak to someone, speak it. This donkey spoke more eloquently, truthfully and poignantly than a lot of “preachers.” Just sayin’.
6. God opened Balaam’s eyes when He was ready for Balaam to see. Sometimes we go through adversity not being able to see the root cause of it, but if God so chooses, He can open our eyes.
These are just the observations from Chapter 22. I hope these things have interested you in such a way that you will open the Bible and read it for yourself. You are missing out on so much if you rely on others to tell you what is in the Bible.
It's Not "IF" God Answers. It's "WHEN" He Answers. (And most of the time you will never know all He's done behind the scene.)
Big belly laughs. Gales of laughter. How many of you have heard those sounds coming from kids while watching the movie Shrek? My kids can quote some of the lines from this movie, and the donkey cracks them up every time. Believe it or not, there are quite a few similarities between Shrek’s trek to find the princess and the Israelites going to the Promised Land.
I’ve been reading through Deuteronomy, meditating on the verses God draws me to, researching the ones that peak my curiosity, and observing some things I’d like to share. I’ve been posting some of my observations in a video format on our Facebook page on Tuesdays, but these I felt needed to be written.
When reading Deuteronomy be sure to circle the words “if” and “when.” There are times when Scripture reads, “When God does…” or “When you…” Then there are other times the word “if” is used. “If you,” and if there’s an “if,” then there is a “then” or something similar. Sometimes it’s not IF God shows up, it’s WHEN He shows up. Do you see how important those two words are?
The next thing I’ve noticed, and I’ve just started chapter 23, is the frequent usage of the phrase, “the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.” Moses keeps reminding the children of Israel that the land they will be living on is the land the Lord their God is giving them. They’ve done nothing to deserve it. They’ve been whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful children, and God is going to give them the Promised Land. I have a confession – I’ve been known to be a whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful child of God, and I am so incredibly thankful He gives good gifts like grace and mercy every day.
We should also observe the last part of that phrase too: “giving you to possess.” God didn’t give them the land to rent, to be co-owners, to be sojourners, nor did He expect the land to do the work. God expected the Israelites to give into the land in a position of authority and take possession. They were to own, have power over and rule. God wanted them to put down roots and become established.
And one more observation found in Numbers 23:11, He turned the curse into a blessing for the Israelites because the Lord your God loves His children. WOW! We serve a big God, don’t we? But to get the backstory to these wonderful words, you really need to read the story in Numbers 22 and 23. It not the story about Joseph and his brothers by the way. It is one of the best stories, and when you read it, read it as if you were watching it unfold on a movie screen. If you don’t crack up laughing, you aren’t reading it right or your funny bone is broken.
So how do all these little observations come together for us right now?
Sometimes we need to remember it’s not “if” but “when” God answers, and other times it’s “if” God chooses to move the way you prayed versus “when” chooses to move on His timing. Anybody need to be reminded who is really in control?
Does someone need to be reminded that everything you have God has given you? He gives the air in your lungs, strength in your bones, and stamina in your muscles to work and do. He provides people and resources to be used for His glory and His kingdom. What are you doing with His resources?
And who feels as if they are living under a curse? Who is carrying a burden, a weight they can’t carry? God can turn a curse into a blessing, and He can do it using a talking donkey. (Dreamworks didn’t create the concept of a talking donkey. God did.) There isn’t ANYTHING too big, too complicated, or too far reaching that God cannot turn around. I don’t want to give too much of that wonderful story away, but the children of Israel NEVER EVEN KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING, but God…
Isn’t that the bottom line? But God… Whether it is “if” or “when,” whether He’s giving and providing with instructions, whether He’s protecting you while you act like a whiny, complaining, stiff-necked, rebellious, sinful child of God, He is still God. He is still on His thrown. He is on control. Have you given God His lovin’ today? Have you gotten your praise on? He so deserves it.
Your Missions Is...Should You Choose to Accept It
Your Mission is ... Should You Choose to Accept It
If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Are you sure?
The word missions isn’t even in the Bible. It comes from the Latin word mitto which means, “I SEND.” God’s purpose is to make Himself known to everyone. In order to do that, God sends special people (agents) called missionaries. This word means, “SENT ONE.” Missionaries are people who serve as God’s Messengers, God’s Witnesses, and God’s Spokesmen.
Jesus was sent into the world on a mission. God gave His Son on assignment, and Jesus carried out this assignment perfectly (John 17:4). In the same way, Jesus has sent His believers into the world on a mission.
Mark 16:15 tells us that God sent us into the world to preach the gospel to all creation. We have been sent into a very dark and sinful world. God want lights to shine brightly in the mist of all the darkness. As believers we are to be small lights in the world that shine and point others to the Greatest Light of them all. (John 8:12). A believer should show the world certain things by how he walks, talks, and acts (Ephesians 5:18). Those of us who know the Lord should be living and acting differently than those still living in darkness.
Believers have the secret message that can save the world from eternal death. It is our job to share this message with others so that they too can join God’s family and be a part of His Heavenly Kingdom.
As God’s SENT ONES, we as believers are to be shining, showing, and saying God’s message. It is a sheer privilege and a great opportunity to be a part of God’s mission. Every person is either a missionary or a mission field. Each believer should be a missionary helping to make God known to all. The unsaved are our mission field waiting to get to know God.
Should you accept this mission, equip yourself. Be prepared to go out and spread God’s message to all the world. Shine that light in the darkness so that others will see it and follow you to the Great Light.
What do you think is God’s mission for your life?
Read Ephesians 6:10 – 18. How you could use the Armor of God to help you carry out your mission?
Ephesians 6:10-18 10Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the LORD's people.
Should you choose to accept this mission, then "Mission Impossible" becomes "Mission Possible."