When my daughter was about four years old, my husband was away working catastrophe storm work settling people’s claims. One night, Erin just couldn’t seem to stay in the bed. She is by nature a happy-go-lucky fun kind of kid, but that night she was pushing me over the edge. About the fifth time, I got down so she could see my face, and I told her if she got up again, I was going to use a wooden spoon on her legs, since it was her legs getting her out of the bed.
Yes ma’am.
Do you need a reminder? I asked. (What kind of question is that any way?)
No ma’am. She walks half way across the den before returning to me in the kitchen saying, “I think I’m going to need that reminder.” I was so surprised. Shocked really. What was I supposed to do with that?
I found her a wooden spoon, and I handed it to her. She happily took it to her room and stayed in her bed the rest of the night.
“Do you need a reminder?” That has to be one of the stupidest questions I’ve asked as a parent.
I find myself saying things to my son that I never once would have thought I would say.
“Do not eat the dirt in the backyard where the dog is.”
“Don’t climb up on the roof, especially without shoes and a secure ladder.”
“Don’t chop down the only hickory tree on our three acres just to getfootball down.”
“Why is there a frog in your closet?”
The list could go on and on.
I recently asked on my personal Facebook page what were some of the crazy things mothers have said.
My mom used to tell me she was going to pin my ears back and don’t act like a bunch of Banshees. Who was acting!?
My very meek grandmother used to tell her three knot-headed boys she would shake them till they spit. Not really sure what that meant, but it seemed impactful.
Did you ever hear, “I’m going to knock you into next week”? What about, “I’m going to jerk a knot in your neck.” Another version is, “I’m going to jerk a knot in your tail.”
One I had forgotten was, “Eat your bread crusts. That’s where all the vitamins are!”
What about when you made an ugly face? “Your face is going to get stuck like that.”
Isn’t it amazing how you can hear your mom’s voice in your head giving her opinion, wisdom or maybe criticism?
Have you ever opened your mouth and heard your mom?
Long after I’m gone and my children can no longer feel my arms around them they will still hear the words I’ve spoken into their hearts.
Words are so important. Words are impactful.
I studied the kings of Israel, and there were two who were righteous and did what was right in the Lord’s eyes. It wasn’t because of what their fathers had done but because of their mothers’ influence.
I think of Timothy. His father was a non-believer, but he had a momma and the grandmother who loved Jesus and served in kingdom work which Timothy saw.
Words which are supported by actions are life changing.
Maybe you didn’t have a mom who spoke love and lived Jesus in front of you, but I bet there was some woman in your life who did those things.
You may not be a mom, but I bet there are people in your life you mother and love on and have influence over. Are your words backed up by actions?
Some of the most powerful words a mom can say are, “I love you so much, and Jesus loves you more than I can even fathom.”
You may be raising a strong-willed, hard headed kid who frustrates you to no end, but there still needs to be a time when that child hears what is good in them, what you love about them.
Door of Affirmation
We have doors of affirmation in our home. I post words of praise or encouragement on a post-it note, date it, and sign it. I put it on my kids’ doors. Erin takes them and puts them in her room, but Pearce keeps his on the outside of his bedroom door.
He tells me when I haven’t posted something in a while. He looks for those words of affirmation.
Momma’s, this day is about you, but I encourage you to take each child and speak life into each because the world is busy tearing them down. And when you are gone, don’t you want them to hear your voice speaking life and love? Today is the perfect time to do it. Go ahead. See how it affects them.