As a kid, and on into my young adult life, I loved to sketch. To this day, I am a huge fan of art. Impressionism was always my favorite style. Modernism amused and perplexed me. The art spoke to me. As a teen, I had a Bible that had a smattering of pictures from the Sistine Chapel. I was amazed by the visualization, and to think that the artist painted them all on the ceiling, well, that was just beyond me.
In 2008, I was blessed to visit the Sistine Chapel. It was a dream come true to see this art in person. Words failed to describe what I saw and felt. Some art is meant to speak volumes of words, but there are other pieces of art which cause a visceral response. This picture provokes a visceral response to me.
This powerful image brings to mind song lyrics by Selah, one of my favorite Christian groups. Be encouraged by Christ-inspired art and music today.
"Part the Waters/I Need Thee Every Hour"
When I think I’m going under, part the waters, Lord,
When I feel the waves around me, calm the sea,
When I cry for help, oh, hear me, Lord, and hold out Your hand
Touch my life
Still the raging storm in me.
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford
I need Thee, O I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
O bless me now, my Savior
I come to Thee.
Matthew 14:28-33 is the story about Peter stepping out of the boat to walk on the water. Verse 30 says, “When he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid.” When he took his focus off the Savior and began seeing the circumstances surrounding him, he became afraid. The wind was stronger than expected. The storm was more forceful than anticipated. Things were not under his control. It wasn't something he could fix. He became fearful and started going under. Even though this picture is from the perspective of someone under the water, drowning, Peter did not go under. Scripture tells us, “And beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately, Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of him."
Jesus didn't hesitate, but then again, Peter didn't wait.
So the reason this picture evokes such a strong response from me is because there have been times in my life that I didn’t cry out to Jesus when things were beginning to make me fearful or stressed. Sometimes, I have felt like I was drowning in my life because I tried to rely on myself and my own abilities. Sometimes, I have felt like I was going under because the circumstances surrounding me were more than I could bear. Regardless of the reasons of why I felt overwhelmed, when I cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” He has.
Every. Single. Time. He’s faithful like that.
Drowning is a fear of mine, to be honest. I'm afraid of not being able to breathe, which explains my claustrophobia. It’s amazing how Jesus can breathe life into me when I’m in breath-stealing, overwhelming situations -- if I ask, if I allow.
If yours is the hand reaching up to Jesus, if yours is the voice crying out, “Lord save me!” then He immediately responds. He may not respond the way you expect or the way you want, but He does respond. You may have to keep laying down your circumstances every time you pick them up to handle them. You may have to learn some hard lessons, but He will respond if you really want Jesus to save you.
This piece of art, for me, is life. It was my hand reaching up. It has been my hand that He has grabbed to pull me up, and He’ll do it for you. Have you spent time with Jesus today? Have you told Him everything weighing you down? If you haven’t, that’s the first step.