Psalm 51:7

Soul Clutter

Soul Clutter and What To Do About It

A few weeks ago, I had a rare attack of orderliness and decided to deep clean my bedroom and organize my closet. I filled my car trunk with giveaways and stuffed three garbage bags with junk before I came to my senses. Several times, I thought to myself, “I bit off more than I can chew here,” but I kept going until every drawer and every surface was clean and neat. Boy, did it feel good!

Sometimes, our souls get cluttered. We allow our worries, insecurities and sins to pile up and make us sluggish. Everywhere we turn, we trip over our clutter, until the Spirit whispers, “Let’s clean up this mess.”

The key to clutter is to stay on top of it and not to let it pile up. One of my favorite go-to prayers comes straight from God's Word: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24 NIV).

It's a prayer we can't pray too much. The more we allow God free-rein (and free-reign) in our hearts, the more He'll keep our soul surfaces free of worries and full of peace. Free of insecurities and full of God-confidence. Free of lies and full of truth. Free of sin and full of right living.

Does your soul need some decluttering? Mine, too. Let's go to Jesus.


 My soul is not in tip-top shape. Please forgive me for letting so much yuck pile up. This is not Your best for me. Please, declutter my soul and cover it with Your joyful fingerprints.

 "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24 NIV).

 I am worried.

Worried about the future. Worried about things that may not even happen. Worried about things I can't control. 

 I hear you, Lord, urging me to cast those cares on You like a heavy stone thrust into a deep pond (1 Peter 5:7). I hear You say to me, "Seek first [My] kingdom and [My] righteousness, and all [your needs] will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33 NIV).

 I am feeling insecure.

 I've been leaning on my own strength, my own skills, my own smarts, and, oh, how I fall short!

 I hear You, Lord, urging me to rest under the shadow of Your wing (Psalm 17:8). I hear You say to me, "Beloved, rest secure in [Me], for [I will shield you] all day long, and the one [I love] rests between [My] shoulders” (Deuteronomy 33:12 NIV).

 I am believing lies.

 You'll never change. You're not worth fighting for. Your future's bleak.

 I hear You, Lord, urging me to listen to the Voice of Truth (John 8:32). I hear You, Almighty God, say to me, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him” (Luke 9:35 NIV).

 I am cluttered up with sin.

 Pride. Unbelief. Bitterness. Jealousy. Idolatry. Ugly words and even uglier thoughts. Please forgive me as I turn from these festery, defeating things.

 I hear You, Lord, urging me to let You wash me clean (Psalm 51:7). I hear You say to me, “I [don't] condemn you; go and sin no more” (John 8:11 NKJV).

 It's funny, Lord. The more I hear You, the less I hear the accuser's taunts. The more access I give You to my soul, the more beautiful it becomes. Keep decluttering, Lord, until every surface shines with Your likeness. 

 In the powerful, purifying name of Jesus, I pray, AMEN

What's cluttering your soul? Let God help you clean house.