NO DOUBT -- Living Your Faith

What would your faith be like if you had no doubts?

What would your relationship with God be like if you had no doubts?                                                               

Don’t act like you don’t have doubts or second guess God. We all have at some point in time in our faith. “Is that really God’s voice I’m hearing or something else?”

“Is this really where He’s leading, or is this just what I want?”

As I’m reading through Acts, these questions came to me as I reflected on Acts 10:19-20, “While Peter was thinking about the vision, the Spirit told him, ‘Three men are here looking for you. Get up, go downstairs, and accompany them with no doubts at all, because I have sent them’.” (HCSB)

The Spirit told him. Why would anyone have any doubts if the Spirit told him to do something, right? Wrong. I’m going to be transparent here and maybe I’m alone in this, but I’ve asked the Spirit if He was sure He wanted me to do what He was prompting me to do. As if He would second-guess Himself. Please.

Accompany them. Go with these people you have never met. It’ll be fine. Sometimes the Spirit leads us into some unusual situations with unusual and extraordinary people. That just means it’s about to get some kind of interesting, and God’s going to show up.

Accompany them with no doubt. Go with them without reservation. Don’t be nervous. God’s got this.

Why could Peter go with no doubt? Because the Spirit had sent them. Do you know how Peter could hear the Spirit? Because he spent time with the Lord. He spent time in prayer.

Having no doubt comes from being in a relationship of infallible trust. It’s an infallible trust because He will never let us down. His plan, His purpose will not be thwarted.

We can have that same kind of relationship with God. We can hear from the Spirit. We can act on what the Spirit says with NO DOUBT.

As a result of Peter having NO DOUBT, Gentiles received the good news. Because Peter went with NO DOUBT, we can be called brothers and sisters in Christ even if we are not Jewish. Not only did the Gentiles receive the good news, but they received the Holy Spirit. What an amazing time of worship that must have been!

What if everyone professing to be a Christian lived their faith out loud and bold with NO DOUBT? This world would not be in the mess it’s in, would it? Well, there’s a way to change that. Ask God to empower you to be courageous and bold and to live a NO DOUBT faith.

Where the Spirit of the Lord leads, go with NO DOUBT!