
Are You Curious -- The Plague of Plagues -- How Stubborn and Prideful Are You?

Okay! We are on the last two plagues. The past couple of weekends we’ve been covering the plagues and reading it inquisitively. It’s okay to ask questions for which you may not receive an answer, but at least ask.

Ninth Plague: Darkness

  • There was no warning for Pharaoh regarding this plague. God told Moses to stretch his hand toward heaven, and the darkness was so thick in Egypt that one person couldn’t see another. For three days they didn’t move from where they were, but the Israelites had light. It says the darkness was so dark, it could be felt. How does darkness feel? Not depression, fear or sadness, but actual darkness.
  • Is keeping someone in complete darkness considered a form of torture by the US?
  • This plague had no warning and wasn’t removed “tomorrow.” The magicians weren’t called either. Even if they were, they couldn’t find their way to the palace. Why was this plague so different from the rest?
  • How did they take care of their babies? You know those babies had to be scared.
  • So did they not eat?
  • If they lit something, the darkness with its weight would snuff it out. So how did they take care of natural body functions?
  • It was as if the Egyptians had all gone blind. Why not leave them to it? It would have given the Israelites a 3 days lead.
  • Pharaoh summoned Moses. Once again, was there a light about Moses that followed him into the darkness? How did Moses see to respond to Pharaoh’s summon?
  • Did Pharaoh even think the Israelites might have run away?
  • Pharaoh attempts to negotiate again. Does he use the same tactics as before? Are you curious?
  • Pharaoh also delivers a death threat to Moses. What was it?

Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn

  • God tells Moses this is the plague which will cause Pharaoh to force the Israelites to leave. Why didn’t God just start with this plague?
  • Why did God choose this order for the plagues? He didn’t randomly choose these plagues or there order.
  • God’s over-the-top promise from Exodus 3:21 is fulfilled in Exodus 11:2-3. Do you know what it was?
  • Even after the death threat Pharaoh made to Moses and without being summoned, Moses goes to Pharaoh to deliver the message regarding the last plague. What amazing courage.
  • God reveals another purpose for the plagues in verse 9. Are you curious to find out what it is?
  • God gives complete instructions regarding the first ever Passover. One thing that caught my attention was in Exodus 12:2. God tells Moses this is to be the first month of your year. God was in control of the timing of the plagues and their sequence, and God was in control of their calendar year. He is in control of time and sequence with the Israelites. Is He any less in control of your life, the timing of things and the order of things?
  • The Passover is a passage with its own series of questions which we won’t address here.
  • God’s timing was specific this time. It wasn’t tomorrow which meant any time that day. God told them around midnight, and it happened as He said. Did they have any reason to doubt Him? Had He shown Himself to be true?
  • Pharaoh tells them to leave and take their livestock and families with them. He didn’t attempt to negotiate. How long does it take for us to get the picture when it comes to God’s will, His plan?
  • God had proved Himself in the past 9 plagues. He proved He was a God of His Word. So my questions are for Pharaoh – Why was he willing to gamble the life of his firstborn son? Did he love his pride and ego more than his own son? Did he value control and power of the Israelites more than the life of his own son? What did he think would happen to his son when midnight came? Then the questions come more close to home. What do I put ahead of my family? Is my career more important than leading my family to Christ and taking them to church? Do my hobbies, my pride, my ego, my interest come before the welfare of my children? In Proverbs it says pride goes before a fall. This fall brought grief and heartbreak.
  • The Israelites asked the Egyptians for silver and gold jewelry and clothing (Exodus 12:35-36). This is how the Israelites plundered the Egyptians without raising a sword.

What does it take for God to get your attention? How much of His power does He have to display to get your attention? What are you willing to risk and gamble in denying His authority in your life?

Time after time, Pharaoh was warned, and time after time, God delivered what He said He would do.

I hope learning to ask questions regarding the plagues has opened your mind and heart and that you’ve learned something new, observed something in Scripture you hadn’t seen before. I pray that it awakens a hunger for the Word like it has for me.
