How Many of Us Would Miss the Boat?
I don’t know about you, but my children want to “discuss” everything even when something is not up for discussion. I’m paying for my raising, as my momma would say. I was born with an opinion as was my son. I was born with a lot of words to say as was my daughter. Put those things together, and I want to discuss everything especially if I don’t agree with it. Am I alone here? You probably have more self-restraint than me.
As I’m reading through Noah’s story in Genesis there is a verse which caught my attention. Genesis 7:5, “And Noah did everything that the Lord commanded him.” This was after Noah had built the ark, gathered the food, collected the animals, and he did EVERYTHING that the Lord commanded.
Noah didn’t say, “God, these animals are going to get sea sick being tossed around in this ark. Are you sure this is the best way? It’s really going to smell in that ark.”
Noah didn’t say, “God, you realize you want me to load prey and predators together in the same boat? Should we maybe have two boats?”
Noah didn’t say, “God, I have three sons. Could we have three arks, so each one could captain their own ship?”
Noah didn’t express his opinion or his thoughts. He obeyed. Plain. Simple.
How many of us would have missed the ark because we would feel the need to voice our opinion, work our own agenda or ask questions about logistics?
How many of us, when we are told or led by God to do or say something, have to ask for clarification if this is really what God wants us to do?
Noah did EVERYTHING that the Lord commanded. Half obedience is full disobedience. Might want to read that again. Half obedience (obeying in part) is full disobedience. (OUCH! That stung, didn’t it?) Noah obeyed in full.
Do you know how Noah could obey in full? Noah talked to God regularly. Noah’s faith in God was greater than his need for control, his need for information, his need to be heard. (Read that one again. Boy, this is walking all over my toes? How about yours?)
God looks for those who are willing to fully obey. 2 Chronicles 16:9 a&b, For the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His. You have been foolish in this matter… Noah’s heart was completely God’s. This is how Noah was able to fully trust God.
Noah’s trust and faith in God meant Noah didn’t have all the details of what was going to happen in order to do the next step God directed.
Noah’s trust and faith in God meant Noah didn’t have to worry about the safety of his family and his family’s future because he knew God was in control.
Noah’s trust and faith in God meant Noah’s pride took a backseat and humility took the front seat.
Noah’s trust and faith in God meant Noah knew God’s provisions were enough.
Are you fully trusting in God today?
Are you fully obedient in what God is leading you to do and say?
Are you fully operating in faith that God will carry you through whatever storm you are facing?
OR are you missing the boat? Fortunately for you, God is giving you this moment to repent. He is giving you this moment to submit your pride. He is giving you this moment to exercise your complete faith and trust in Him.
The question is, will you?