Welcome to Girlfriend Ministry
Hi, and welcome to Girlfriend Ministry. Whether you are here intentionally or whether you stumbled across this ministry, we believe God has a purpose for your reading this.
How is Girlfriend Ministry different than other women’s ministry?
1. We are NOT associated with any church or denomination. We are just a bunch of Jesus-lovin’, Bible-believin’, God-seekin’ women who long for authentic worship and relationships. After all, when we get to heaven, we won’t be segmented by religion, separated by various beliefs or traditions. For those who believe in Christ as their Lord and Savior and have confessed with their mouths, we will all be worshiping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Religion is man-man. God is about relationship.
2. We are a non-profit (501C3). We are only funded by donations. These donations go to pay for insurance, to help with the cancer support group, to help the single moms we reach out to, and other women who need encouragement in whatever form that looks like.
3. The women on this leadership team are authentic. We have endured fertility treatments, chemo, radiation, cancer surgeries, abusive relationships, failed marriages, wayward kids, strained family relationships, bankruptcy, depression, horrible and life-threatening car accident, adoption process, flesh-eating disease, raising strong-willed kids, job loss and unemployment, insecurity, stress, anger, and so much more, and we share our stories when God provides the opportunity and platform whether it’s one-on-one or with a group. What is the point of hiding our greatest tragedies, embarrassments, humiliation, and discouragements? When we hide things, it gives the enemy fuel and leverage to manipulate us. Plus, hiding our struggles does not give God glory. God has seen all of us through difficult situations, and we believe it is our responsibility and our honor to serve and encourage women by telling our story about how and what God has done in our lives.
4. The women in this group, not just leadership, look for ways to minister to women. While Bible study and functions are great and we have them, the heart of this ministry is MINISTERING to women. Whether it’s the lady who serves us our food, the lady who checks us out at the grocery store, the lady who sends us e-mails about her struggle, the lady who serves God faithfully but may be running out of fuel – We ask God to open our eyes to the women around us who need Him.
I’m amazed at how women are out wandering this world wounded without support, without a rich tapestry of women in their lives to encourage them. Do you know why there are so many walking wounded? Women are afraid of being judged, especially by another woman who may “appear” to have it all together. “Appearances” are deceiving – let me just tell you. We have no room to judge anyone.
Then there are those women who get so busy with life, busy with stuff, busy raising families that fail to realize that they no longer have girlfriends outside of the parents of their kids’ friends. God created women to be relational in nature. When the rough times come, and they do come, these flawed but beautiful women in Girlfriend Ministry are here to set me straight, to love me, to help and encourage me, and we will do the same for you. Feel free to stalk us on Facebook, read the blogs we will be posting, but at some point, you need to reach out in person. Take the risk to get to know us and allow us the privilege of getting to know you.
The verse for Girlfriend Ministry is Ecclesiastes 4:12, “And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” You and God and one of God’s girls – a strand of three. As women we don’t go to the bathroom by ourselves. We always take someone with us, so most likely with this group your strand of 3 turns into a beautiful tapestry of women that is woven into your life. And that tapestry of Jesus’-lovin’, Bible-believin’, God seekin’ girlfriends is God’s gift to you. We hope you enjoy!